Code: Select all
@ nRow, DCGUI_COL+10 DCCHECKBOX d_lIntadjaccr PROMPT '' SIZE 1.5,.7 ;
SAY 'Record as accrual adjustment' ;
COLOR {|| LB_CheckBoxColor()} ;
EVAL LB_CheckBoxKeyboard() ;
EDITPROTECT {|| LB_EditProtect(!m->access[369]=='Y', aApp)} ;
WHEN {|| m->access[369]=='Y' } ;
MESSAGE 'Check box to record as adjustment to interest accrued instead of interest adjusted'
Code: Select all
@ nRow, 2 DCSAY 'Record as accrual adjustment' ;
MESSAGE 'Check box to record as adjustment to interest accrued instead of interest adjusted'
@ nRow+.2, DCGUI_COL+10 DCCHECKBOX d_lIntadjaccr PROMPT '' SIZE 1.5,.7 ;
COLOR {|| LB_CheckBoxColor()} ;
EVAL LB_CheckBoxKeyboard() ;
EDITPROTECT {|| LB_EditProtect(!m->access[369]=='Y', aApp)} ;
WHEN {|| m->access[369]=='Y' } ;
MESSAGE 'Check box to record as adjustment to interest accrued instead of interest adjusted'