actually I stuck on a simple task: when a popup codeblock form get is called, I would like to call the action codeblock of another pushbutton.
In my case I choose a user in the popup and would like to set the filter immediatly after evaluating the popup codeblock. I have tried to send a mouse down event to the button object, but it does not work. Maybe there is a more elegant solution for this.
Code: Select all
@ 1,1 dcsay "User" get nUser PICTURE "99999" SAYSIZE 0 POPUP {|c|pop_user(c,getlist,"BUTTONFILTER")}
@ 2, DCPUSHBUTTONXP CAPTION "Filter" SIZE 10,1.3 ACTION {||setfilter(nUser)} ID "BUTTONFILTER"
function pop_user(c,aGetlist,cID)
oButton := DC_GetObject(aGetList,cID)