Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#1 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

I am developing a large system, which I attribute to the systems of artificial intelligence. I put it in full free public access, including the source code. All the newest versions I always have on my website here: ... t=&act=url

On these pages there are links where you can download the files for installation (portable version). These archives contain files with full source code of the system as of the time of download. The names of these files:
There are direct links to these files:
It is always the newest version.
Last edited by Eugene Lutsenko on Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:27 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#2 Post by skiman »


I was wondering what the purpose of your system is. Can you explain what it is doing, and for what it can be used?
Best regards,


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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#3 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Hello, Skiman!

More than 10 years ago, I proposed a program for automated system-cognitive analysis. This system automates basic cognitive operations (which are not very many). Then I proposed a mathematical model that describes the cognitive operations. This mathematical model is based on information theory. Then I offered a numerical method to implement a mathematical model for computers. This method includes a data structure and processing algorithm. Then I added this technique of numerical calculations. As a result, the system was developed and named Eidos. This system is a software tool for system-cognitive analysis. It allows you to convert data into information and knowledge. This knowledge is used to solve the problems of identification, forecasting, decision-making and researching of modeled object.

I wrote a lot of articles and books about it, they are in public domain. These articles have a summary in better English. I guess it makes sense to read the annotations. Links to these articles and books I have on my web-site:

Articles are here:
and with some delay, they appear here:

If we talk very briefly, this system allows you to:
- Describe specific objects, i.e. create images of individual objects;
- Compile images of specific objects, that is to form generalized images of the classes or categories of generalized images;
- Compare the images of individual objects to form a class;
- Compare the images of the classes together (cluster analysis and constructive;
- Automate the SWOT-analysis.

Everything is done in a generic formulation and does not depend on the subject area.

It can be used wherever a person applies natural intelligence, that is, works as a specialist. It automates generalization, abstraction (Pareto-optimization), comparison and classification. An instrument occupies, reinforcing the possibility of natural intelligence. About the same happens when a microscope or a telescope leverages our view. But for those who blind, both microscope and telescope will not help, since there is nothing to be strengthen.

The system has powerful data import ability from external databases, text and tables of MS Excel.

There is something in English:

Lutsenko E.V. Artificial intelligence system for identification of social categories of natives based on astronomical parameters / EV Lutsenko, AP Trunev // Scientific Journal of KubSAU (Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University) [Electronic resource]. - Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2008. - №03 (037). S. 65 - 85. - IDA [article ID]: 0370803007. - Mode of access:, 1,312 upl

To understand what the system does, it is important to read the article:

Lutsenko E.V. Metrization of measurement scales of various types and joint comparable quantitative processing of heterogeneous factors in systemic cognitive analysis and Eidos system / EV Lutsenko // Scientific Journal of KubSAU (Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University) [Electronic resource]. - Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2013. - №08 (092). S. 859 - 883. - IDA [article ID]: 0921308058. - Mode of access:, 1,562 upl

Website of the university (KubSAU) where I work:

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#4 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Lutsenko, E.V. Conceptual principles of the system (emergent) information theory and its application for the cognitive modelling of the active objects (entities) // 2002 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence System (ICAIS 2002). –Computer society, IEEE, Los Alamos, California, Washington-Brussels-Tokyo, p. 268-269.
Lutsenko E.V., Troshin L.P., Zviagin A.S., Milovanov A.V. Application of the automated system-cognitive analysis for solving problems of genetics / // Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD) 41(2) (2018) 01-08. DOI : – Режим доступа: ... /01-08.pdf
Artemov, A., Lutsenko, E.V., Ayunts, E., & Bolokhov, I. (2017). Informational Neurobayesian Approach to Neural Networks Training. Opportunities and Prospects. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07264.
Cherednichenko N.A. Simulating and predicting global climatic anomalies such as El Nino and La Nina / N.A. Cherednichenko, A.P. Trunev, E.V. Lutsenko // Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University – Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2015. – №06(110). С. 1545 – 1577., 2,062 у.п.л.
Lutsenko E.V. Artificial intelligence system for identification of social categories of natives based on astronomical parameters / E.V. Lutsenko, A.P. Trunev, // // Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University – Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2008. – №03(037). С. 65 – 85., 1,312 у.п.л.

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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#5 Post by Victorio »

Hi, Eugene,

I am 49years old , but I do not dare say that it would be my "head" microprocessor sometimes understood. ;)
That's why I admire your work .

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#6 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Victorio wrote:Hi, Eugene,

I am 49years old , but I do not dare say that it would be my "head" microprocessor sometimes understood. ;)
That's why I admire your work .
Thanks, Victorio! The students are all well mastered. If I had the opportunity to show you everything, I'm sure everything would be quite clear.


(theory and method of quantitative detection in a comparable form of force and direction of cause-and-effect dependences in incomplete noisy data of very large dimension of numerical and non-numerical nature, measured in different types of scales and units of measurement)

This section is about the ask-the analysis and the system "EIDOS-X++"

There are many artificial intelligence systems. Universal cognitive analytical system "Eidos-x++" differs from them in the following parameters:

- developed in a universal setting, independent of the subject area. Therefore, it is universal and can be applied in many subject areas (;

- is in full open free access (, and with relevant source texts (;

- is one of the first domestic systems of artificial intelligence of the personal level, i.e. it does not require special training from the user in the field of artificial intelligence technologies (there is an act of introduction of the "Eidos" system of 1987) (;

- provides stable detection in a comparable form of force and direction of cause-and-effect dependencies in incomplete noisy interdependent (nonlinear) data of very large dimension of numerical and non-numerical nature, measured in different types of scales (nominal, ordinal and numerical) and in different units of measurement (i.e. does not impose strict requirements on the data that can not be performed, and processes the data that is);

- contains a large number of local (supplied with the installation) and cloud-based educational and scientific applications (currently about 30 and 132, respectively) ( ... online.pdf);

- provides multi-language interface support in 44 languages. Language databases are included in the installation and can be replenished automatically;

- supports on-line learning environment and is widely used all over the world (;

- provides conversion of initial empirical data into information, and its knowledge and solution using this knowledge of classification problems, decision support and research of the subject area by studying its system-cognitive model, while generating a very large number of tabular and graphical output forms (development of cognitive graphics), many of which have no analogues in other systems (examples of forms can be found in:
Saver DOS-version system "Eidos" (1979-2012)

The mathematical model of the Eidos system was developed in 1979 and was first experimentally tested in 1981. From 1981 to 1992, the system "Eidos" repeatedly implemented on the platform Wang (on computers Wang-2200C). For IBM-compatible personal computers, the system "Eidos" was first implemented in 1992 and since then has been constantly improved, up to the present time (the title video of the latest DOS-version of the system "Eidos-12.5»)

Download and run the system "Eidos-x++" (the newest version at the moment) or update the system to the current version. This is the most complete currently unprotected from unauthorized copying portable (portable) version of the system (which does not require installation) with full source texts ( of the current version (except for the keys of access to the ftp-server of the "Eidos" system and the keys of the licensed software), which is in full open free access (about 217 MB): The update has a capacity of about 10 MB: Credo:

Laboratory and Tagged group in Contacts and Facebook at ask-the analysis and the system of "Eidos»:

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Artificial intelligence system AIDOS

#7 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

I made an account on ResearchGate: This account is aimed at the English-speaking audience. All titles of books and articles, annotations to them, tried to give in English. Posted almost all the work that I had in electronic form. These account for about 70% of all work.

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