Sad news

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Sad news

#1 Post by edv-rudrich »

Hi everybody..

this is very sad news...

Günter Früholz passed away on Monday evening..
We all know him as a generous and easy person from the last devcon in Berlin..
Günter caught an awful pneumonia last week and his week couldn't handle the
Günter was handicapped and sitting in a wheel-chair.. he suffered from the
same disease as Steven Hawking.. his dream was to drive a car by himself, - so
he made his driving license last year, baught a car and spent almost 100,000 $
to change the car's driving controls in a way that he can run and control it from
a joystick.. the car now is ready and the hand-over date was arranged for last
Tuesday -- he died on Monday evening..
I've lost one of my very best friends.. and the eXPress Community looses a
He will be put to grave on Friday, 26th at 1 pm c.e.t. - and I am sure he would
be very glad and proud if some of you could find the time and send a few thoughts
to him..
I will always remember Günter

- Michael

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Re: Sad news

#2 Post by RDalzell »

Hello Michael,

Thank you for providing to us the very sad information about Günter.

I am glad that I was able to meet Günter at the Berlin devcon, I will remember his smile.

It is unfortunate that he worked so hard to achieve a desire and was unable to enjoy that goal.

My families thoughts and prayers reach out to Günter, his family, friends and to you my friend for his passing.

Deepest sympathies,


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Re: Sad news

#3 Post by reganc »


Again, thank you for letting us know about this.

I only met Günter when I went to the Berlin DEVCON although I had seen his name on occasion in the newsgroups and on the webboard.

I found him to be a very nice guy and I will always remember that despite his disability he always made time for other people and was always eager to help others if at all possible. I had hoped to meet him again at some time in the future and sadly that is not to be...

It is sad that he did not achieve his dream...

I will miss him and would like to send my condolences to his family and friends.
Regan Cawkwell
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Re: Sad news

#4 Post by rdonnay »

Michael -

I am so sad to hear this.
I had hoped that I would have another opportunity to see him again.
I will never forget the visit we had to his office and restaurant in Albstadt.
It was very generous of you to drive me such a long distance to meet him and spend a day with him.
I know that you were a good friend to him and gave him much support and encouragement.
It is especially sad that he never got to drive his car.
I too have a good friend who is in a wheel chair and he was at my house for dinner last night.
We often talk about ways to improve his ability to drive.

I remember that the last time I saw him (in Berlin), I set him on fire by knocking over a glass of flaming Zambuca.
He was such a good sport about that and was a warm and nice person.
He will be missed. My condolences to you and your loss of a good friend.

The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

Cliff Wiernik
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Re: Sad news

#5 Post by Cliff Wiernik »


I never had the opportunity to meet Günter but I always feel a loss when we loose one of our group. Please send by condolences and deepest sympathy to his family. My brother is disabled, though still walking, with MS and prevented me from going to the Berlin Devcon because I help him go deer hunting.


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Re: Sad news

#6 Post by sdenjupol148 »


I have been off the board for a few days and I am sorry to come back to such bad news.

I also met Günter at the Berlin DevCon and was lucky to have had the opportunity to have a short but very nice conversation with him.
We were laughing thoughout the conversation and that is what I will take with me.

I am so sorry he has past on and I grieve with you.


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Re: Sad news

#7 Post by edv-rudrich »

Thank you everybody...

I will pass all you condolences to his family..
it might help them a little if they know that Günter made friends all over the world..

- Michael

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