How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

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Eugene Lutsenko
Posts: 1649
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How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#1 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

How do I know the pixel length and height of the graphic string

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Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#2 Post by Tom »

DC_GraQueryTextbox(cString,cFont) will return the needed size for displaying 'cString' in font 'cFont', i.e.:

Code: Select all

? DC_GraQueryTextbox('Eugene Lutsenko','10.Arial') // {101,16}
Best regards,

"Did I offend you?"
"Okay, give me a second chance."

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#3 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Thank you, Tom! I have the impression that I just can not always find a description of the desired function, though I understand that it exists

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#4 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

And yet, this feature does not work with all graphic fonts, probably because of their names. It seems it has nothing to do with the fact bitmap font or a vector. In addition it is clear that many fonts do not support Russian encoding. But that's nothing, because quite a few support and in general enough of them.

Code: Select all

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""        // графика
#include "BdColors.Ch"       // графика
#include ""       // графика
#include ""        // графика
*#INCLUDE "rmchart.CH"       // графика
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ''
*#INCLUDE "dcads.CH"
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ''
#include ""    // Max_DB

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclip1.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclip2.lib" )
#pragma library( "dclipx.lib" )
#pragma library( "xbtbase1.lib" )
#pragma library( "xbtbase2.lib" )
#pragma library( "xppui2.lib" )

// Рабочий стол остается окном приложения
   LOCAL GetList := {}, oStatic
   LOCAL oPS, oDevice, oDlg


   SET COLLATION TO SYSTEM   // Руссификация

   @0, 0 DCSAY "Gra Fonts" FONT ("22.HelveticalBold") SIZE 0

   PUBLIC X_MaxW := 1800, Y_MaxW := 850               // Размер графического окна в пикселях

   kD = 33

   aFonts := XbpFont():new():list()

   FOR ki=1 TO LEN(aFonts) STEP kD                //                

         OBJECT oStatic

         EVAL {||_PresSpace(oStatic,ki,kD,aFonts)}

       oStatic := nil


STATIC FUNCTION _PresSpace( oStatic, ki, kD, aFonts )

  LOCAL oPS, oDevice

  oPS := XbpPresSpace():new()         // Create a PS
  oDevice := oStatic:winDevice()      // Get the device context
  oPS:create( oDevice )               // Link device context to PS
  oPS:SetViewPort( { 0, 0, X_MaxW, Y_MaxW } )
  oStatic:paint := {|mp1,mp2,obj| mp1 := LC_MultiLine( oPS, oStatic, ki, kD, aFonts ) }


STATIC FUNCTION LC_MultiLine( oPS, oStatic, mi, mD, aFonts )

LOCAL i, j, cFont, nRow, lOk, GetList := {}, nHeight

LOCAL GetOptions
LOCAL oSourcePS, oBitmap, oClipBoard, aPos

  ****** Исследование графических шрифтов

  ****** Инициализация графического шрифта для надписи внизу графической экранной формы

*     aFonts := XbpFont():new():list()                       // Все доступные шрифты
*     oFont  := XbpFont():new():create("48.Helvetica")       // Конкретный шрифт с указанием размера
      oFont := aFonts[1]                                     // Конкретный шрифт по номеру из списка (всего доступно 1681 графических шрифтов)
      GraSetFont(oPS , oFont)                                // установить шрифт

      aAttrF := ARRAY( GRA_AS_COUNT ) 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_COLOR      ] := GRA_CLR_BLACK 
*     aAttrF [ GRA_AS_BOX        ] := { 300, 50 }            // Размер поля вывода (только для векторных шрифтов)
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_HORIZALIGN ] := GRA_HALIGN_CENTER      // Выравнивание символов по горизонтали по центру относительно точки начала вывода
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_VERTALIGN  ] := GRA_VALIGN_HALF        // Выравнивание символов по вертикали по средней линии относительно точки начала вывода
      GraSetAttrString( oPS, aAttrF ) 
      GraStringAt( oPS, { 200, 10 }, "Всего шрифтов:"+ALLTRIM(STR(LEN(aFonts),15)) )

      aAttrF := ARRAY( GRA_AS_COUNT ) 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_COLOR      ] := GRA_CLR_BLACK 
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_BOX        ] := { 60, 30 }             // Размер поля вывода для векторных шрифтов
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_HORIZALIGN ] := GRA_HALIGN_LEFT        // Выравнивание символов по горизонтали по центру относительно точки начала вывода
      aAttrF [ GRA_AS_VERTALIGN  ] := GRA_VALIGN_HALF        // Выравнивание символов по вертикали по средней линии относительно точки начала вывода
      GraSetAttrString( oPS, aAttrF )                        // Установить символьные атрибуты

      PRIVATE aTxtPar[2]

      S = 1
      LimJ = IF(mi+mD-1 <= LEN(aFonts), mi+mD-1, LEN(aFonts))

      FOR j=mi TO LimJ

          oFont := aFonts[j] 
          GraSetFont(oPS , oFont)       // установить шрифт

          Mess = "Шрифт №"+ALLTRIM(STR(j,15))+IF(oFont:vector,"-векторный","-растровый")

          aTxtPar = DC_GraQueryTextbox( Mess, oFont )

          GraStringAt( oPS, { 100, 20+(S-1)*25 }, Mess+". Width="+ALLTRIM(STR(aTxtPar[1]))+". Height="+ALLTRIM(STR(aTxtPar[2])) )


      **** Записать графический файл

*     cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".bmp"
*     DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )
*     cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".jpg"
*     DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )

      cFileName = "Fonts"+STRTRAN(STR(mi,4)," ","0")+"-"+STRTRAN(STR(LimJ,4)," ","0")+".gif"
      DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oStatic, cFileName )

  *** Конец исследования шрифтов ********************


FUNCTION DC_Scrn2ImageFile( oXbp, cFileName, nFormat )

LOCAL oSourcePS, oBitmap, oClipBoard, aPos

oSourcePS := oXbp:lockPS()
IF oXbp:isDerivedFrom('XbpDialog')
  aPos := { -4, -4 }
  aPos := { 0, 0 }
oBitmap := GraSaveScreen( oSourcePS, aPos, oXbp:currentSize() )

RETURN oBitMap:saveFile( cFileName, nFormat )

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Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#5 Post by Tom »

Hi, Eugene.

Looks you're using the function with a font object. Since I use eXpress++ 1.9.257, I don't know whether there's a newer version of it in build 258 or later, but in my version, a font compound name should be the parameter!

Font compound names should reflect Xbase++ notation and local attributes. "10.Arial Bold" is valid in english environments only; it's "10.Arial Fett" in german(y) for example. Maybe your'e struggling with something here.
Best regards,

"Did I offend you?"
"Okay, give me a second chance."

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Eugene Lutsenko
Posts: 1649
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Location: Russia, Southern federal district, city of Krasnodar

Re: How do I know the length of the graphic string in pixels

#6 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Yes, things do not always work, but usually that works, is enough to achieve the goal

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