We have a client that occasionally just starts locking up due to not being able to open a certain file, but no error messages occur. If they reboot the server then all is ok. Apparently some user has locked up on the network and has the file locked (by the server). At times we can identify the file, but it takes a while. Fastest option for them is to reboot. they have less than 50 users...do not user client server. Windows 2008 server.
Only question, why in this case does a file open error not occur to tell us and them the problem.?
Just did not know if this has come up elsewhere, of if there is a better way to trap the error and force a message.
File open problem
Re: File open problem
Are you using neterr() after opening a database?
Are you using neterr() after opening a database?
Code: Select all
use xxx alias yyy new
If neterr()
msgbox("xxx is not opened")