Ribbonbar Title problem

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Ribbonbar Title problem

#1 Post by rdonnay »

I have had several requests to remove the title bar when using the RibbonBar.

Chris Andries helped with this and found the enableFrameTheme() method of the RibbonBar object.

This, and some other code changes provides nearly the desired affect, but the RibbonBar then occupies too much of the drawing area.

See the following video:

http://bb.donnay-software.com:8080/supp ... lbar2.html

Any ideas are welcome.

Code is attached.
Tabbed Toolbar title problem
(33.53 KiB) Downloaded 1234 times
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Re: Ribbonbar Title problem

#2 Post by Auge_Ohr »

rdonnay wrote:I have had several requests to remove the title bar when using the RibbonBar.
Chris Andries helped with this and found the enableFrameTheme() method of the RibbonBar object.
search in Sample for iTunes ... that is that Style ;)

i say your Video and that Browse Position/Size is wrong ... we did had that Problem before ... hm ...
here my Code

Code: Select all

*  aSize := AppDesktop():currentsize()
   aSize[1] := aSize[1]/10*9
   aSize[2] := aSize[2]/10*9
   aPos  := CenterPos( aSize ,AppDesktop():currentsize())

   oDlg:minButton := .T.
   oDlg:maxButton := .T.

   oDlg:setDisplayFocus := {| uNIL1, uNIL2, oSelf | XSet2Browse(oDlg) }
   oDlg:setinputfocus   := {| uNIL1, uNIL2, oSelf | YSet2Browse(oDlg) }


   // CJ Menu Ribbonbar and Statusbar
   oDlg:PathIco   := ZPATH+"ICON"
   oDlg:oCbarS:ActiveMenuBar:Visible := .T.

   // Event from Ribbonbar

   // Static on :drawingArea using Threads
   oControl := oDlg:InitTabShort()

   oDlg:oSkin:callMethod("ApplyWindow", oDlg:oCbarS:getHWND() )
   oDlg:oSkin:callMethod("ApplyWindow", oDlg:oRibbonbar:hWnd )
what i do not understand is why you use extra "Tab" under Commandbar.
You can use RibbonTabgroup to get that "Effect"
:enableFrameTheme() and RibbonTabgroup
:enableFrameTheme() and RibbonTabgroup
Cal_Entry.JPG (123.03 KiB) Viewed 19234 times
btw using ::oRibbonBar:AllowMinimize := .T. and ::oRibbonBar:Minimized := .T. you can get "more" Space and use Ribbenbar as "dropdown Menue"
greetings by OHR

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Re: Ribbonbar Title problem

#3 Post by skiman »

Hi Jimmy,

I think the trick is in the following functions?

Code: Select all

   oControl := oDlg:InitTabShort()
I suppose your initTabArea method is defining the height of the workarea.
Best regards,


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Re: Ribbonbar Title problem

#4 Post by Auge_Ohr »

skiman wrote: I think the trick is in the following functions?

Code: Select all

   oControl := oDlg:InitTabShort()
I suppose your initTabArea method is defining the height of the workarea.
as i say i "attach" a Static to RibbonTabGroup.

Code: Select all

LOCAL oDraw := ::drawingArea
LOCAL aSize := ::drawingArea:currentsize()
LOCAL aPos  := {SC_LEFT,0}

   aSize[1] := aSize[1]-SC_LEFT+SC_ADD                      // PbStack Leiste
   aSize[2] := aSize[2]+SC_ADD

   ::aTabPage[ID_CALENDAR ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_ERFASSUNG,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARBEIT   ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_FAKTURA  ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_KUNDEN   ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_IMOBILIE ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARTIKEL  ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_UMSATZ   ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()
   ::aTabPage[ID_TOOLS    ,IS_RIBSTAT] := XbpStatic():new( oDraw,, aPos,aSize,,.F. ):create()

   ::aTabPage[ID_CALENDAR ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 229, 242, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_ERFASSUNG,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 204, 229, 254 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARBEIT   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 153, 203, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_FAKTURA  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 101, 177, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_KUNDEN   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 050, 151, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_IMOBILIE ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 050, 151, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARTIKEL  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 000, 125, 255 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_UMSATZ   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 000, 100, 204 } ))
   ::aTabPage[ID_TOOLS    ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setColorBG(GraMakeRGBColor( { 255, 242, 229 } ))

   ::aTabPage[ID_CALENDAR ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("CALENDAR ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARBEIT   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("ARBEIT   ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_FAKTURA  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("FAKTURA  ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_KUNDEN   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("KUNDEN   ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_IMOBILIE ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("IMOBILIE ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARTIKEL  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("ARTIKEL  ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_UMSATZ   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("UMSATZ   ")
   ::aTabPage[ID_TOOLS    ,IS_RIBSTAT]:setCaption("TOOLS    ")

   ::aTabPage[ID_CALENDAR ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_CALENDAR )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_ERFASSUNG,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_ERFASSUNG)}
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARBEIT   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_ARBEIT   )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_FAKTURA  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_FAKTURA  )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_KUNDEN   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_KUNDEN   )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_IMOBILIE ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_IMOBILIE )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_ARTIKEL  ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_ARTIKEL  )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_UMSATZ   ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_UMSATZ   )}
   ::aTabPage[ID_TOOLS    ,IS_RIBSTAT]:resize := {|mp1,mp2,oSelf| ::TabResize(mp1,mp2,oSelf,ID_TOOLS    )}

and here is the :resize

Code: Select all

METHOD VOBWORK:TabResize(aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf,nIDNr)
LOCAL iMax, aChild
LOCAL aSize   := aNewSize

   IF aOldSize[1] == 0 .AND. aOldSize[2] == 0
      aOldSize := aNewSize
      RETURN self

   ELSEIF aNewSize[1] == 0 .OR. aNewSize[2] == 0
      RETURN self

   // add "same Size", nothing had happend
   ELSEIF aNewSize[1] == aOldSize[1] .AND. aNewSize[2] == aOldSize[2]
      RETURN self

*   oSelf:hide()
*   oSelf:LockUpdate(.T.)

   aChild := oSelf:childList()
   iMax   := LEN(aChild)
   IF iMax > 0
      DO CASE
         CASE nIDNr == ID_CALENDAR   ; ::Tab_CALENDAR (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_ERFASSUNG  ; ::Tab_ERFASSUNG(aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_ARBEIT     ; ::Tab_ARBEIT   (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_FAKTURA    ; ::Tab_FAKTURA  (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_KUNDEN     ; ::Tab_KUNDEN   (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_IMOBILIE   ; ::Tab_IMOBILIE (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_ARTIKEL    ; ::Tab_ARTIKEL  (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_UMSATZ     ; ::Tab_UMSATZ   (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
         CASE nIDNr == ID_TOOLS      ; ::Tab_TOOLS    (aOldSize,aNewSize,oSelf)
*   oSelf:LockUpdate(.F.)
*   oSelf:show()
i "think" the "Problem" is that only Xbase++ have a :DrawingArea. In harbour you have to use a Static to "simulate" it.
greetings by OHR

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Re: Ribbonbar Title problem

#5 Post by rdonnay »

i "think" the "Problem" is that only Xbase++ have a :DrawingArea. In harbour you have to use a Static to "simulate" it.
eXpress++ and XCodeJock are products for Xbase++, not harbour.

I am trying to get a simple answer.
All of the code you posted is impossible to understand because it isn't something that can be compiled and run.
It is a lot of pieces that don't connect together in any kind of understandable form.
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Re: Ribbonbar Title problem

#6 Post by Auge_Ohr »

rdonnay wrote:
i "think" the "Problem" is that only Xbase++ have a :DrawingArea. In harbour you have to use a Static to "simulate" it.
eXpress++ and XCodeJock are products for Xbase++, not harbour.
i knew this and it was only to show Difference from Xbase++ to "other" Windows Compiler.

as you can use Codejock for other Compiler/System i "testdrive" WinDev. Like harbour it does not have a :drawingArea and so it have no Problem with Position / Titelbar
rdonnay wrote:
I am trying to get a simple answer.
the Answer is :DrawingArea ! Codejock does not know it !
rdonnay wrote:
All of the code you posted is impossible to understand because it isn't something that can be compiled and run.
It is a lot of pieces that don't connect together in any kind of understandable form.
as you know i do not have Express++ so i can not make a Demo for it.

I have no Problem with Ribbonbar any more and i just want to show some "pure" Xbase++ Source Code where i use CJ Methode and Property which might miss in XCodejock.
i do not remember (now) which Methode/Property was the "missing", but when you read my Source you will find them and you can read in Codejock Help File about it.
greetings by OHR

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