Bobby in the Hospital

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Bobby in the Hospital

#1 Post by rdonnay »

Bobby Drakos had an accident 2 days ago and is currently hospitalized with a head injury.

He may require some surgery due to some bleeding in his brain.

Bobby has had a very difficult time for the past 2 years.
He was one of the first to get Covid-19 way back in March, 2020.
He lives in the area that was the hot-spot for Covid - Queens, New York.
His entire family was infected and he lost his mother at that time.
Covid after-effects hit him, and others in his family, very hard; yet he persevered as his company saw the New York taxi business nearly shutdown during the lockdown. The business lost millions during this time and nearly went bankrupt, but they are optimistic of the future due to much increased tourism in the city of New York.

Now this.

I am not religious, and I don't believe that prayer helps at times like this.
The only way I can help him now is to take over the maintenance of the business software to ease his mind a bit.
I have been able to do this from my home via Skype, Teamviewer and RDP.

I will provide updates on his progress.
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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#2 Post by Tom »

Damned. :(

Thanks for the updates, Roger. I hope the surgeries go well and Bobby gets back on his feet.
Best regards,

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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#3 Post by reganc »

Thanks for letting us know this.

I hope that all goes well, also.
Regan Cawkwell
Real Business Applications Ltd

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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#4 Post by Koverhage »

I hope it too.

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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#5 Post by skiman »

My thoughts are with him.
Best regards,


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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#6 Post by rdonnay »

Here is an update.

Bobby came home from the hospital yesterday, but he still has much swelling of his brain and much pain.
He landed on his face also, and has injuries to the side of his face.
I made him promise to not send me any pictures.

His cognition seems to be fairly normal, as we worked together today for about 30 minutes.
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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#7 Post by skiman »

Good to hear he is back home.
Best regards,


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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#8 Post by bwolfsohn »

Glad to hear he's on the upswing... Please send me my best...
Brian Wolfsohn
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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#9 Post by Tom »

All the best, Bobby.
Best regards,

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Re: Bobby in the Hospital

#10 Post by reganc »

Great news that he's back from hospital. All the best from me, too.
Regan Cawkwell
Real Business Applications Ltd

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