How to read the contents of a folder on a web server via ftp

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: How to read the contents of a folder on a web server via

#11 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Thank you all. Your suggestions didn't change anything. The program behaves exactly as before. Copies and deletes some files and hangs. How to use DC_FileDel() I do not understand.

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Re: How to read the contents of a folder on a web server via

#12 Post by rdonnay »

Where does it hang? During the copy or the delete?
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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: How to read the contents of a folder on a web server via

#13 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Hangs during deleting. Deletes multiple files seems to be OK as expected, but then hangs. I had thought that this might be due to cache or antivirus. When attempting to remove the latter is not a remote file in the file Manager I get a message that it is protected from deletion. But the attributes he is normal, ie it is simply a zipped file. Perhaps he remains a busy system.

1. Now disabled the antivirus (AVIRA) - is not affected
2. Waited a long time (about 15 minutes), thought it might "come off". But no, hanging securely. Interrupt is possible only through the task Manager.

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: How to read the contents of a folder on a web server via

#14 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Everything turned out fine so:

Code: Select all

      FOR j=1 TO LEN(aFileName)
          Name_SS = aFileName[j]
          Name_DD = Disk_dir+"\AID_DATA\Inp_data\"+aFileName[j]
          IF aFileName[j] = '_2_3_2_2.arx' .OR. aFileName[j] = '_2_3_2_3.arx'
             COPY FILE (Name_SS) TO (Name_DD)
             RenameFile(Name_SS, Name_DD)
Although I did not understand what was not working previous versions.

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