Look in Windows 10

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Look in Windows 10

#1 Post by skiman »


We are using Windows 10 without problems since a few months. One thing we have is the following. Modal dialogs have the Windows 10 look, other dialogs don't have. I was wondering if this could be changed.

- Klantenbeheer is the old look.
- Landcodes is Windows 10
windows10.PNG (12.85 KiB) Viewed 16931 times
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Cliff Wiernik
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#2 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

I have noticed the same. I know back with winXP, and looking at some modal dialogs as topdown, provided, it exhibited a similar appearance behavior. It was also in the modal dialogs. I think I was able to change that in the case where I had used something from topdown but cannot recall at this time.


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Re: Look in Windows 10

#3 Post by Auge_Ohr »

skiman wrote:We are using Windows 10 without problems since a few months. One thing we have is the following. Modal dialogs have the Windows 10 look, other dialogs don't have. I was wondering if this could be changed.
this is since Windows 7 ! Border are NOT transparent !
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#4 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

Windows 7 showed both the normal dialogs and modal dialogs in the same rounded presentation. Windows 10 has modals in the box like appears.

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Re: Look in Windows 10

#5 Post by Auge_Ohr »

Cliff Wiernik wrote:Windows 7 showed both the normal dialogs and modal dialogs in the same rounded presentation.
i agree that XP and Win7 have both "round" Edge when using visual Style but Child Windows have wrong visual Style without transparent Border.
with Windows 10 every "Dummy" can see it better while it does not have round Edge.
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#6 Post by skiman »


When I look at c:\ALASKA\XPPW32\SOURCE\samples\basics\WINDOWS\OWNERWIN.EXE it seems as a non-modal dialog has the Windows 10 look? Also the MODALITY sample shows dialogs with Windows 10 look.
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#7 Post by skiman »


The look of the dialog is different when the 'APPWINDOW oXxxx' is used in the dcread. It has nothing to do with the 'modal' clause.

Without the APPWINDOW clause, you see a difference in the taskbar, it looks as the application is opened multiple times. Also the dialog can be moved to any place on the monitor(s).

I would like to have the same behaviour as in the Alaska OWNERWIN sample. If you click on the 'Free' button, nothing changes on the taskbar, and the new dialog has the Windows 10 look. The dialog can be moved anywhere on the screen. If another application gets focus, and you click on the 'Ownerwin' icon on the taskbar, all the dialogs of the ownerwin sample comes to front.

Any change this can be done with eXPress++?
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Cliff Wiernik
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#8 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

My original emails related to the different look in Topdown modal dialogs was related to the effect of the tasklist instance variable. This was likely similar to the appwindow and taskbar appear you have identified. Since I did not use Topdown for my basic program, I never researched it any more.

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Re: Look in Windows 10

#9 Post by rdonnay »

Any change this can be done with eXPress++?
I don't know yet what I can do since I don't want to upgrade to Windows 10.

I have another computer with Windows 10 on it and will have to set it up to work with it when I get some time.
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Re: Look in Windows 10

#10 Post by skiman »


I waited also rather long to upgrade to Windows 10. Meanwhile we have a lot of customers who are working with it. We had a system to test, but this week I decided to upgrade my desktop. According to the message I got on my screen, it won't be for free anymore from July.

Up to now, I didn't had a lot of issues. Nothing I wasn't aware of before the update.
1. Changing standard printer when using a printer. This is a setting.
2. Scrolling with the mousebutton in a browse. Also a simple setting.
3. Windows HLP files, for which you posted a solution some time ago.

All my other tools are working without any problem.

Since the look of the dialogs isn't consistent, and they look the very old way since Windows 3.11, I was looking for a solution.

When I use the APPWINDOW appdesktop() OWNER oMainDlg (oMaindlg is drawingarea of my main application) I have the look I want. A lot of my dialogs are opened in another thread, and here I have a problem with the above parameter. If I have 3 dialogs open on the screen, and I want to use a button on a dialog which don't have focus, you need to click two times. First click gives the focus to the dialog, second click to activate the button.
In the ownerdraw sample of Alaska, I don't have that behaviour. A button on the main dialog fires immediately. Even if another dialog has focus.
Best regards,


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