eXpress++ build 264 is released

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eXpress++ build 264 is released

#1 Post by rdonnay »

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           ---------------- New to 2.0 (build 264) ----------

 1418. XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() now support standard Xbase++ and eXpress++
       Commands and also ADS SQL statements.  For example a USE command would
       be entered in the Command Get and a SQL SELECT statement would be
       entered in the SQL Get.  To use a series of commands or statements,
       they would be entered in the "Command/SQL Window" then click on the
       "Command" button or the "SQL" button to execute.  An ADS dictionary
       connection is required to use the SQL features.  The connection is set
       up by clicking on the "Connect Ads" button first before using SQL
       statements. The settings can be saved to the registry and will
       automatically be restored when calling XDOT.EXE or DC_Dot().  Read the
       README.TXT file in the .\samples\xdot folder.

 1417. Added new function: DC_AdsIndexModeDefault(). This is a Get-Set
       function that sets the default ADS index mode when using the
       DC_AdsStatement() class for creating and executing ADS SQL statements.
       It is also used by XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() for setting up the SQL command

 1416. Added new function: DC_AdsLockModeDefault(). This is a Get-Set function
       that sets the default ADS locking mode when using the DC_AdsStatement()
       class for creating and executing ADS SQL statements.  It is also used
       by XDOT.EXE and DC_Dot() for setting up the SQL command feature.

 1415. Fixed a bug in @..DCBROWSE..ZEBRA that prevented the custom row color
       block from displaying correctly if column color block returned a NIL.

 1414. Added new function: DC_SetIconResource().  This function is used to
       prevent errors that can be caused by trying to load an icon resource
       with DC_GetBitMap() that is not really an icon.  Xbase++ will
       sometimes create an IDSC under this condition. For example, all the
       icons in a RES file should be grouped within a range and that range
       should be specified by DC_SetIconResource().

 1413. Fixed a problem in DCPRINT ON which may sometimes cause an error if a
       print job is started in the same thread as another print job that is
       already running.

 1412. Fixed a problem with DCMSGBOX and DC_MsgBox() that caused message items
       and buttons to display incorrectly when using large fonts.

 1411. DC_DbGatherLog() now supports ADSDBE as the log file.  Prior versions
       would cause record objects that were converted to binary to fail to be
       stored correctly.  Data is now stored as a HEX string to prevent
       problems with high-order bytes.

 1410. Added a new DCPRINT TEXT clause to the DCPRINT system.  This will print
       text within an area of the page.  It will automatically format the text
       based on the current font and wrap the text as needed.  See the sample
       program in .\samples\printer\printtext.prg.

 1409. Added 3 new clauses to the @..DCBROWSE command:

       SORTSFONT <cSortSFont>  // Selected Font
       SORTUFONT <cSortUFont>  // UnSelected Font
       SORTNFONT <cSortNFont>  // NonSelectable Font

       Use these clauses when using the USEVISUALSTYLE clause of @..DCBROWSE
       because Visual Style does not support colors.

       See the sample program: .\samples\browse\visualstyle.prg

 1408. Added 3 new elements to the DC_BrowseSort() configuration array:

       aSort[9]  // Selected Font
       aSort[10] // UnSelected Font
       aSort[11] // NonSelectable Font

       Use these elements when using the USEVISUALSTYLE clause of @..DCBROWSE
       because Visual Style does not support colors.

       See the sample program: .\samples\browse\visualstyle.prg

 1407. The EXITKEY clause of @ .. DCMULTLINE may now be a numeric or a
       2-element array of numeric values.  The first value is the key which
       will cause navigation to the next item in the getlist.  The second
       value is the key which will cause navigation to the previous item in
       the getlist.

 1406. Fixed a bug in DC_XmlNode():asString() that sometimes gives a wrong
       result string.  More major changes to DC_XmlNode() methods to improve

 1405. Added new function: DC_AdsTableList().  This function returns an array
       of tables that are in an Advantage Data Dictionary.

 1404. Created new tool: XdotServer.Exe. XdotServer.Exe is an Xbase++ program
       especially designed to allow programmers remote access to their data via
       a web browser including dot-prompt commands and SQL statements.  This
       application uses Xbase 2.0 HttpEndPoint and CXP technology. Xdot.Cxp
       uses the functions in the server and the eXpress+ functions to
       accomplish this task.  For more information read the
       .\xserver\readme.txt file.

 1403. DCPRINT ? now supports a list of arguments. Example: DCPRINT ? a,b,c

 1402. Fixed a regression in DCPUSHBUTTONXP .. CAPTIONARRAY that causes the
       font to change on mouseover if no FONT clause is used.

 1401. Fixed an anomoly in DC_WorkArea2Excel() that would crash when an
       exported memo field exceeded 1024 bytes in length.

 1400. Fixed a bug in DCPUSHBUTTONXP .. MENUACTION that caused a runtime
       error in some cases.

 1399. This release now includes EXPRESS.CHM based on HtmlHelp.  The old
       Windows help system is no longer needed.

 1398. Added support for Eastern European character set in the picture clause
       of @..DCGET and @..DCSAY..GET.  Thanks to Guy Willems.

 1397. Fixed a bug in DCDIALOG.CH that caused the _COLUMNBREAK, _SELECT,
       _CHECKED and _SEPARATOR clauses to not work with the DCSUBMENU and
       DCMENUITEM commands.

 1396. Fixed a bug in several eXpress++ functions that used
       FClose(Fopen(cFileName)) to determine if a file could be opened.  This
       always worked until Windows 10.  This fix will correct the problem under
       Windows 10.  Functions that failed would be DC_DbFile(), DC_UseArea(),
       DC_TstFile() and DC_PathFound().
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#2 Post by Koverhage »


after installing build 264 the windows explorer display

Xbase++ Development tool

Is this correct ?

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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#3 Post by rdonnay »

I will have to look into this.

I updated the ARC files to 264 but something didn't get applied when the DLLs were built.
Thanks for reporting that.

I always miss something. Fortunately, it doesn't affect function.
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#4 Post by hz_scotty »

i got this error in 3 of 12 project between v263 and v264
i don't know why,
the only issue i see is in _dcinit.prg (dclip1) that the default DBE ist now

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in v263 it is

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LOCAL i, aDbeList := DbeList(), cDbeList := '', cDbe := dbeSetDefault(), ;
      bErrorBlock := ErrorBlock({|e|_TrapError(e)})
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#5 Post by rdonnay »

I added the SDFCDX to DC_LoadRdds() because a customer wanted to use it with XDot.

DC_LoadRdds() is called in an INIT procedure after your DBESYS.

I should have left it the way it was so it would restore your default DBE.
My bad.

Here is an updated _DCINIT.PRG.

Copy it to your \exp20\source\dclip1 folder.
Run build19_sl1.bat or build20.bat to rebuild DCLIP1.DLL

A much simpler thing for you to do is just put a dbeSetDefault(<your dbe>) at the beginning of your main program.
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#6 Post by rdonnay »

I updated the ARC files to 264 but something didn't get applied when the DLLs were built.
I figured out what happened.
I updated \exp20\lib\dcdlls.arc but did not run ARC.EXE to create \exp20\lib\dcdlls.res.

I made sure to update my Build system to insure this gets done in the future.
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#7 Post by hz_scotty »

Hello Roger!

When will you release v265 (i read months ago a message, you say it will be done in Januar 2017)?
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#8 Post by rdonnay »

Yes, I did say that.
My customer projects have been taking precedent lately.
I have some documentation to finish and then I can release it.
This sounds like a job that maybe I can complete this weekend.

Thank you for the reminder.
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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#9 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

Did you do any looking at the changes you made to _dcclass.prg and _dcgetbx.prg that might be causing the flickering I saw. I have been tied up like you have been and have not looked it it for about 6 weeks now.

If not, I will check into it during my beta testing. I should be able to get back to the test sample and analysis of changes to these two programs from 264 to 265.

Also, have you had any reports of instances where sometimes when user switch between applications and come back to the dialog and a valid clause apparently does not fire. I see this sporadically. I would say no more than once in hundreds of hours of user usage time. It could actually be thousands as we have close to 200 users to it is 1600 hrs per day.

I can trap it but not readily though I do think I have one instance where I can duplicate this. I will get back to you on this when I am ready. I would say 2-3 weeks.


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Re: eXpress++ build 264 is released

#10 Post by rdonnay »

I will get back to you on this when I am ready. I would say 2-3 weeks.
Are you telling me I can't release build 265?
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