Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:06 pm
Hi All
I have just finished a very small and personal application (one table) that I use in tracking my visit schedules using your SQLExpress with SQLite DBMS. I have been programming in xbase dialet since the days of Ashontate dBase II/III then to Clipper summer 87 before finally landed in Xbase++. I had never program in SQL only ISAM and Clien/Server with ADS.
My latest exprience with SQLExpress is that things are not the way developers out there thought. You may not know, developers have a mis-informed opinions about ODBC in general and since SQLEXPRESS product is entirely based on ODBC, that means same for SQLExpress. I was once one of them.
These include:
a) SQL/SQLExpress applications are much more difficult to develop than ISAM.
b) SQL/SQLExpress applications require much more codes than ISAM
c) ODBC and by extension, SQLExpress applications are much SLOWER in performance than ISAM applications.
These afformentioned reasons may be the reasons why a lot Xbase++ developers refuse to embrace SQLExpress. I was one of them before. But can you blame us ? NO. Even when I did not try it, I was convinced that ODBC is generally slower in performance when I read in Prof Carry Jensen and Loy Anderson BOOK tittled "Advantage DataBase Server - Official Guide" chapter 16 "WHO SHOULD USE THE ODBC DRIVER"
He wrote and I quote
There are two groups of users who should use the Advantage ODBC Driver. The first group consists of those developers who are using development environments for which there are no alternative drivers. For example, if you are using a proprietary development environment that does not support the ACE (Advantage Client Engine) API, Java, .NET, ADO, or VCL, the Advantage ODBC Driver is your fallback solution.
For those developers for whom there is an alternative to ODBC, ODBC is usually a poor choice for connecting to Advantage. This is because the alternative solutions offer more options than does ODBC. In short, ODBC is the lowest common denominator for data access.
The truth I later find out is that SQLExpress applications perform by far better than ISAM and equally much more stable.
We have the responsibility and duty to expose these facts to the Xbase++ community in order to enhance its acceptability of SQLExpress and ODBC. For me with the availability of SQLExpress, I still wonder why Alaska is investing so much resources and efforts in PGDBE instead of other technologies that will better the life of Xbase++ community.
I have just finished a very small and personal application (one table) that I use in tracking my visit schedules using your SQLExpress with SQLite DBMS. I have been programming in xbase dialet since the days of Ashontate dBase II/III then to Clipper summer 87 before finally landed in Xbase++. I had never program in SQL only ISAM and Clien/Server with ADS.
My latest exprience with SQLExpress is that things are not the way developers out there thought. You may not know, developers have a mis-informed opinions about ODBC in general and since SQLEXPRESS product is entirely based on ODBC, that means same for SQLExpress. I was once one of them.
These include:
a) SQL/SQLExpress applications are much more difficult to develop than ISAM.
b) SQL/SQLExpress applications require much more codes than ISAM
c) ODBC and by extension, SQLExpress applications are much SLOWER in performance than ISAM applications.
These afformentioned reasons may be the reasons why a lot Xbase++ developers refuse to embrace SQLExpress. I was one of them before. But can you blame us ? NO. Even when I did not try it, I was convinced that ODBC is generally slower in performance when I read in Prof Carry Jensen and Loy Anderson BOOK tittled "Advantage DataBase Server - Official Guide" chapter 16 "WHO SHOULD USE THE ODBC DRIVER"
He wrote and I quote
There are two groups of users who should use the Advantage ODBC Driver. The first group consists of those developers who are using development environments for which there are no alternative drivers. For example, if you are using a proprietary development environment that does not support the ACE (Advantage Client Engine) API, Java, .NET, ADO, or VCL, the Advantage ODBC Driver is your fallback solution.
For those developers for whom there is an alternative to ODBC, ODBC is usually a poor choice for connecting to Advantage. This is because the alternative solutions offer more options than does ODBC. In short, ODBC is the lowest common denominator for data access.
The truth I later find out is that SQLExpress applications perform by far better than ISAM and equally much more stable.
We have the responsibility and duty to expose these facts to the Xbase++ community in order to enhance its acceptability of SQLExpress and ODBC. For me with the availability of SQLExpress, I still wonder why Alaska is investing so much resources and efforts in PGDBE instead of other technologies that will better the life of Xbase++ community.