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Re: X.509 Certificate

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:52 pm
by patito

Please see all these link which will serve him as support ... mlsec.html ... intro.html

with cryptosys does not need of using openssl and xmlsec ... l#finaldoc

Download free Loadui 1.5
only the soapui free is necessary ... 7zFzQJHB0A ... ation.aspx

Best Regard

Re: X.509 Certificate

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:58 am
by gradosic
Since you suggested me alternative way to create XML and digitally sing same one wit x.509, do you maybe know someone that's willing to create me function for this? Or does your company do such projects?

Why I’m asking that? Because we don't do anything like this, and we consider that is the best to pay someone to create us finished function and that everything works fine. Latter when we have time, we can study that code and improve or change something, but now when we need to do that in next 20 days, it's better to find other solution.

If you know someone with knowledge in this area, please contact me on


Re: X.509 Certificate

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:38 pm
by patito

It is not possible to offer a solution, without first knowing first
technical documentation and examples of an xml file with their respective dtd validation
sign a XML Document using SHA1+RSA or SHA1+DSA u other cripto

Certificate filename extensionsCommon filename extensions for X.509 certificates
pfx, cer, pem, p12, crt, der, p12, etc
Use xml canonical
The final invoice is an XML document signed multiple times. The process of signing an XML document, or a fragment of such a document, is tricky. Signing XML documents is fraught with problems because of the underlying design of XML digital signatures.

The theory of XML digital signatures is explained in RFC 3275: XML-Signature Syntax and Processing [XML-DSIG]. The ghastly principles of canonicalizing XML before signing is in RFC 3076: Canonical XML Version 1.0 [XML-C14N].

Best Regard
Hector Pezoa

Re: X.509 Certificate

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:33 pm
by patito
Attached invoice link electronics in your country

seen something in code, the best solution is crypto sys

Note this, here explain you how building if you have questions, can be contacted directly with them

I have all this library wrapper, to working with xbase
and for soap use TServerXMLHTTPRequest class of Pablo Botella
The other is that use xmlsec, but would that do with java or delphi,
or openssl, or xmlsec-level console utilities
The last solution is capicom from microsoft, of which there are not many examples

Best Regard