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Bad Dog

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:46 am
by rdonnay
My dog unplugged my server this morning and it crashed one of the MySQL tables.

Fortunately, I was able to fix it.
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Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:01 pm
by bwolfsohn
Ate yer homework too, i betcha.. :)

Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:11 pm
by rdonnay
She lived up to her name - Harley Quinn.

She had to get into some mischief.

Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:48 am
by Tom

Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:15 am
by Jonathan Leeming
Reminds me of a Chocolate Lab I had named Sophie. She had a hyperactive tail and, on occasion, would wack it against the old toggle power switch on my tower while I was heads down churning out code in my editor. The editor had an auto-save function but it would only run if there was no activity for a period of time. I would loose an hour or 2 of work but consoled myself by believing that it was always better the second time around... I also became more protective of the power switch!

Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 6:08 pm
by rdonnay
Harley has been a very good dog for the past month, so I promised her that Santa would be very good to her this year.
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Re: Bad Dog

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:17 am
by skiman
Nice picture. She looks so cute.