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updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:31 pm
by BruceN
I've got an updated number pad that I modified from Roger's touchscreen samples (images attached).

It looks a lot more modern, has a more conventional key layout, and the buttons actually appear to be pressed, rather than flashing (as the original does). The text at the top is a parameter so you can prompt for what input is required.

If there's interest, I'll post the code. If there's enough interest, I might even be convinced to update the keyboard the same way.

I hope some of you use it... it would make me feel REAL good to know I've returned the favor in some small way for all the help I've gotten here.



Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:20 pm
by rdonnay
Bruce -

That is really nice.

If you post the code and the bitmaps, I will make sure this gets into the next build.


Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:49 pm
by BruceN
I'll try and get the keyboard done in the next few days and post it all.

BTW: the design and images were done by my son, Blake (promised I'd give him credit). He's going to Tulane and majoring in digital media arts. Now if anyone needs some design work done.... ;)

Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:11 pm
by Auge_Ohr

are those Bitmap on right Calulator using Ownerdraw PushButton ?

if yes use GraEdge to get real round Edge and rid of that gray Parts shown below
GraBoxRadius.jpg (5.24 KiB) Viewed 25996 times

Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:51 pm
by BruceN
I don't think so... as I don't even know what an 'ownerdraw pushbutton' is. The borders were put there to make it look like real buttons. If someone wants to change them... very easy to do.

Look for code for this and the keyboard tomorrow.


Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:43 am
by BruceN
I'm getting close... I have a few more fine adjustments to make.

One issue: the [enter] key (see attahed image). I have it as a 'L' shped image (actually a reverse 'L'). However, the bmp file is rectangular and the upper left portion of it is white space. I have that hidden under the apostraphe. When I click the [enter] it shows the whole button (including the white top left corner for a fraction of a second.

Is there a way to use a jpg or some other image that can be odd shaped? Or another way to handle the problem. It really isn;t THAT noticable... but I want this to be as perfect as I can make it.



Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:09 pm
by Auge_Ohr
BruceN wrote:However, the bmp file is rectangular and the upper left portion of it is white space.
this is why i point you to GraEdge
BruceN wrote:When I click the [enter] it shows the whole button (including the white top left corner for a fraction of a second.
this is the "visual Style" of the Button which you see before your Bitmap / JPG
BruceN wrote:Is there a way to use a jpg or some other image that can be odd shaped? Or another way to handle the problem.
as i say try Ownerdraw to have full Control of "painting"

Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:05 am
by skiman
Hi Bruce,

Looks really nice.

Maybe some suggestion in case you didn't thought about it?
  • @ should be easy. This kind of keyboard is very usefull to ask a customer his email address in a store.
    / * + above the numeric keypad.

Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:41 am
by Tom
Besides Ownerdrawing: XbParts based on XbpDialogs can be shown within a "region", which can be a polygonic area of any shape. Look at DC_RegionArray() for samples.

Re: updated touchscreen number pad

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:50 am
by BruceN
I hadn't forgotten about the 'upper keys' (over the numbers). Here's an image with caps lock pressed.

I'll look at your suggestions (ownerdraw and dc_regionarray) and TRY to see if I can understand it. The dc_region looks like the easiet solution from a 10 second look. If the object (button) is larger than the region, does the part outside the region simply get ignored, and not show on the screen.. If so, then that should do it.

I have a proposal for a customer (yeah.. possibly some money coming in - hooray :) I have to get done today. When I finish that, Ill go back to the keyboard. Hopefully I'll have it late today or tomorrow.

If any of you actually use it, please let me know, It would make me feel as it I have an a small degree repaid you for your assitance and tolerance of an old, ignorant, southerner (ok, transplanted yankee).
