Tip for working with multiple builds of eXpress++
Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:28 pm
I received an email yesterday from an eXpress++ user who was having a problem with build 253.
He asked me if I could add some of the features of 253 into 252 so he could continue working with 252.
I told him that I could not do that and asked why he just didn't work with 253 and send me the error log so I could fix his problem in 253.
This was his response:
If I can find the time, I will install 253 again and will produce an errror log for you..
It's only a bit boaring, because I am in a production process and have to provide
a stable runtime - so I have to install 253 and the after sending you the error have
to go back to 252.. If you fix something - I again have to reinstall 253 and check
the fix.. if it works, okay.. if not: I have to go back to 252..
I realized that there are probably a lot of eXpress++ users who struggle with the same problem.
Well here is a simple solution that I use every day.
I have to work with a lot of customer applications where the customer has not upgraded to either the latest build of eXpress++ or the latest build of Xbase++.
Because of this, I have multiple installations of Xbase++ and eXpress++ on my development system.
c:\alaska\xppw3219 << Xbase++ build 331
c:\alaska\xppw3219_sl1 << Xbase++ build 355
c:\exp19252 << eXpress++ build 252
c:\exp19253 << eXpress++ build 253
c:\exp19254 << eXpress++ build 254
c:\expd19 << eXpress++ current development (255 beta)
I switch back and forth when running different applications by simply calling a batch file before compiling or running.
I always work from a command prompt so this makes it very simple to change the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables.
If I need to test some customer code with eXpress++ build 252 I simply do the following:
expver 255
I suggest that you install new builds of eXpress++ into a separate directory and always to as I do, this way you will never overwrite a version that is working for you.
Here is my EXPVER.BAT file:
He asked me if I could add some of the features of 253 into 252 so he could continue working with 252.
I told him that I could not do that and asked why he just didn't work with 253 and send me the error log so I could fix his problem in 253.
This was his response:
If I can find the time, I will install 253 again and will produce an errror log for you..
It's only a bit boaring, because I am in a production process and have to provide
a stable runtime - so I have to install 253 and the after sending you the error have
to go back to 252.. If you fix something - I again have to reinstall 253 and check
the fix.. if it works, okay.. if not: I have to go back to 252..
I realized that there are probably a lot of eXpress++ users who struggle with the same problem.
Well here is a simple solution that I use every day.
I have to work with a lot of customer applications where the customer has not upgraded to either the latest build of eXpress++ or the latest build of Xbase++.
Because of this, I have multiple installations of Xbase++ and eXpress++ on my development system.
c:\alaska\xppw3219 << Xbase++ build 331
c:\alaska\xppw3219_sl1 << Xbase++ build 355
c:\exp19252 << eXpress++ build 252
c:\exp19253 << eXpress++ build 253
c:\exp19254 << eXpress++ build 254
c:\expd19 << eXpress++ current development (255 beta)
I switch back and forth when running different applications by simply calling a batch file before compiling or running.
I always work from a command prompt so this makes it very simple to change the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables.
If I need to test some customer code with eXpress++ build 252 I simply do the following:
expver 255
I suggest that you install new builds of eXpress++ into a separate directory and always to as I do, this way you will never overwrite a version that is working for you.
Here is my EXPVER.BAT file:
Code: Select all
rem Usage EXPVER <build number>
@SET PATH=c:\public
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\xb2net30\190
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\hotfix19\12
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\hotfix19\16
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\xppw3219\bin
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\xppw3219\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\xbtw3219\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\adsw3219\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\odbc19\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\xml19\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\alaska\asinet19\lib
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\exp19%1\bin19
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\exp19%1\bin
@SET PATH=%path%;c:\WINDOWS;c:\WINDOWS\system32;c:\WINDOWS\command;c:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem
@SET INCLUDE=c:\alaska\xppw3219\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\alaska\adsw3219\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\alaska\xbtw3219\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\alaska\odbc19\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\xb2net30\190
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\exp19%1\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\alaska\asinet19\include
@SET INCLUDE=%include%;c:\alaska\xml182
@SET LIB=c:\alaska\xppw3219\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\alaska\xbtw3219\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\alaska\adsw3219\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\alaska\odbc19\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\xb2net30\190
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\alaska\asinet19\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\exp19%1\lib
@SET LIB=%lib%;c:\alaska\xml19\lib
@SET XPPRESOURCE=c:\exp19%1\lib
@SET TEMP=c:\temp
@SET TMP=c:\temp
@CALL DOSKEY DIR=DIR /o-d /p $1 $2