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Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 9:01 pm
by sdenjupol148

Here we are again at that time of year where I kick off a few words about your achievements, kindness and contributions to our community.
But this year I'm going to talk about us for just a bit.
Recently you held another one of your eXpress++ conferences for your 'beta testers' as you called us which was one of the most informative conferences I have attended.
This wasn't a conference where we learn how to use newly added functions.
This time around you showed us how we can access data in new ways and what we can do with it making our software products relevant for the future.
You let us know that we are no longer confined to hiring only people who know XBase++.
You have shown us how to push XBase++ to access data in different ways and seamlessly intertwine them.
You answered every question on each of our products walking us through each solution.
The new tools of eXpress++ are awesome and a welcome upgrade to what we have been using for years.
In my opinion you have re-defined the browsing experience.

And yet you were worried if attendees would like the conference or see the value in it.
So this year I have learned that not only are you annoyingly smart, talented and kind, you're incredibly humble as well.
On behalf of all the attendees I want to thank you for a great conference.

And personally, I want to wish you an awesome birthday... you deserve every happiness, acknowledgement, adulation and joy in life. :occasion-candle:

Thank you my friend

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 6:17 am
by RDalzell
Happy Birthday Roger,

I wish that I had the opportunity to attend the conference (unable to leave work the first two weeks of the month) as it certainly sounds great.
Bobby always paints a wonderful picture of a gathering (and I'm certain adds to it).
I missed the opportunity to learn, see old friends and make new.
Sadly, duty calls and it was not to be.

On the better side...

Be your own light.
Find your own way.
It should be easy with ALL those candles.

Proud to call you Friend,

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 8:46 am
by rdonnay
Bobby and Rick -

Thank you for your kind words.

Rick, thanks again for your gift of the Silver Oak Cabernet.
"Life is a Cabernet" as it says on the box.

Bobby, thanks for helping out while you were here, even though you were suffering from your shoulder surgery.
I'm so pleased that you and the others felt that this gathering was as informative as I hoped it would be.

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 9:46 am
by Jose Marte2
What a joy that God gave him one more year of life. Happy Birthday. Mr. Rogers, have a good time.

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 7:27 am
by bwolfsohn

A belated happy birthday... Sorry i missed it.. i've been on the road and getting ready for Kerrville...

May you continue your leadership role in the xbase community, may you live to be 100, and may i be one of the friends who toast you upon reaching :greetings-clappingorange: :greetings-clappingorange: that milestone...

And finally, may the wine with which i toast you, not be one of the ones that have been sitting on the top shelf of my cabinet for a decade.. :)

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:53 am
by rdonnay
My motorcycle riding friend, Kurt, sent me a gift for my birthday.

We are both UMF's, so he thought it appropriate to send a Toilet coffee mug.

I told him that it arrived in good condition, but the first time I used it, it overflowed.
I finally figured out how to use it, but regardless, the coffee tasted like crap.
toilet_cup.jpg (184.12 KiB) Viewed 32542 times

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 9:25 am
by rdonnay
The last episode of Game of Thrones airs on Sunday.

All loyal followers are wondering if it will be a Stark, a Targaryen, or a Lannister who will inherit the throne.

It's my guess that the only being who has really earned it is Drogon.
DragonThrone.jpg (146.78 KiB) Viewed 32520 times

Re: Birthdays are once a year but friends are everyday

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 10:08 am
by sdenjupol148

I'm glad you're getting good use out of your toilet bowl mug, lol
