Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:27 pm
Article about system which I develop on Alaska and eXPress++ is published:
Луценко Е.В. Универсальная когнитивная аналитическая система «Эйдос-Х++» / Е.В. Луценко // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал КубГАУ) [Электронный ресурс]. – Краснодар: КубГАУ, 2012. – №09(83). С. 340 – 368. – Режим доступа: http://ej.kubagro.ru/2012/09/pdf/25.pdf, 1,812 у.п.л.
The "Aidos" system is working well for many years of use for researches in various subject areas and activities for a number of scientific disciplines related to artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and knowledge management. However, during the operation of the system, some of the shortcomings that limit the opportunities and prospects for the application of the system have been identified. Therefore, the radically new version of the system (the system Aidos X++) was created, which overcome the limitations and drawbacks of previous version and includes new important ideas for its development and use as a software tool in system-cognitive analysis (SC analysis)
From this article:
The author is grateful to Roger Donnay, professional software developer, the developer of the highly effective tool programming system of eXPress++, Aydos-X++ system widely used at creation (Roger Donnay, Professional Developer, Developer eXPress ++, Boise, Idaho USA, http://donnay-software.com), Clifford Wiernik (CPA/CNE, Senior IT Analyst, http://www.aquafinance.com cwiernik@aquafinance.com Tel: 800-234-3663 x1126, Fax: 715-848-1411, Aqua Finance, Inc, One Corporate Dr, Ste 300, Wausau WI 54401, USA) and to all participants of a forum http://bb.donnay-software.com:8080/phpBB3/, rendering to the author effective and disinterested aid in development.
Луценко Е.В. Универсальная когнитивная аналитическая система «Эйдос-Х++» / Е.В. Луценко // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал КубГАУ) [Электронный ресурс]. – Краснодар: КубГАУ, 2012. – №09(83). С. 340 – 368. – Режим доступа: http://ej.kubagro.ru/2012/09/pdf/25.pdf, 1,812 у.п.л.
The "Aidos" system is working well for many years of use for researches in various subject areas and activities for a number of scientific disciplines related to artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and knowledge management. However, during the operation of the system, some of the shortcomings that limit the opportunities and prospects for the application of the system have been identified. Therefore, the radically new version of the system (the system Aidos X++) was created, which overcome the limitations and drawbacks of previous version and includes new important ideas for its development and use as a software tool in system-cognitive analysis (SC analysis)
From this article:
The author is grateful to Roger Donnay, professional software developer, the developer of the highly effective tool programming system of eXPress++, Aydos-X++ system widely used at creation (Roger Donnay, Professional Developer, Developer eXPress ++, Boise, Idaho USA, http://donnay-software.com), Clifford Wiernik (CPA/CNE, Senior IT Analyst, http://www.aquafinance.com cwiernik@aquafinance.com Tel: 800-234-3663 x1126, Fax: 715-848-1411, Aqua Finance, Inc, One Corporate Dr, Ste 300, Wausau WI 54401, USA) and to all participants of a forum http://bb.donnay-software.com:8080/phpBB3/, rendering to the author effective and disinterested aid in development.