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Printing to multiple trays

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:04 am
by rdonnay
I'm working on a customer's print job that requires the job to print to 2 different trays.
It also has to switch between the trays in the middle of the job.

I added this capability to the DCPRINT system many years ago by incorporating DCPRINT STARTPAGE, DCPRINT PAPERBIN, and DCPRINT ENDPAGE, however I could never test it because I don't have a printer with multiple trays. I was sure that this worked because it was requested several times from eXpress++ users.

Is anyone using this feature? I can't get it to work.
The customer has a "HP Universal Printing PCL 6" printer.
It switches between portrait and landscape just fine, but won't switch between trays.

Re: Printing to multiple trays

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:25 am
by skiman
Hi Roger,

I'm switching between paperbins, but I always start/stop the printerjob.

With aprintOptions[40] := layout->paperbin I select the paperbin.

I suppose you know that the number of the paperbin isn't 1, 2, ... which would be logical, but can be different numbers. Paperbin 1 can be number 4.

Re: Printing to multiple trays

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:51 am
by rdonnay
I suppose you know that the number of the paperbin isn't 1, 2, ... which would be logical, but can be different numbers. Paperbin 1 can be number 4.
Yes, I found that out on the HP website for the API.
No matter which numbers I use, everything prints in Tray 3.

I'll keep looking.