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Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:27 pm
by sdenjupol148

I'm always amazed at that story you tell about one of the DevCons you attended.
You know, the one where that guy thought you were too old.

How ignorant of him to think that age has something to do with genius.
You have contributed so much to our community and have continued to contribute even more in just the last few years.

I'm glad that we had our recent time in Germany together where we got to visit old friends and renew relationships.
And they, like me, owe so much to your contributions; and they all told you that as well.

We all talk about Stephan's grand vision and plans; but it's you who puts them into a practical usage for us.
When we're stuck, you're always there to get us out.
When we have questions, you're always there to find answers.
This community thrives because of what you do and what you have set in place.

You are a great host, traveling companion and above all, friend.
I've poured a glass of wine and I'm raising it in your honor.

Happy Birthday Roger!

And may we see many more.

(Retirement? Don't count on it! :lol: )

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:47 am
by Tom
Happy Birthday and all the best!

Hope to see you again soon (and Bobby aswell 8-) )!

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:02 am
by skiman

'Gelukkige verjaardag' from Belgium.

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:06 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Happy Birthday to you, Roger, wish you all the best. :happy-wavemulticolor: :occasion-birthday:

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:39 am
by John Hohensee
Let me be not the last to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Lets hope you have 50 more!

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:02 am
by GeneB
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"
Happy Birthday. It's the one day out of the year everybody is nice to you.

I might be older than you are.
I bought a new IBM 286 and a copy of dBase II to use in the business I was starting when I was 32.
The second accidently smart thing was moving to Clipper.
The third best was finding Express. But the best part of that was finding someone who made sense out of Xbase and was willing to provide help. For that I am forever grateful.

GeneB in Albuquerque. (sorry Breaking Bad ended)

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:36 am
by bwolfsohn

What Bobby said..

Have a great birthday.. Say hello to your sister wives for me...

I was expecting music with the birthday verse...
I'll check back in a few hours, & i'm sure you'll have posted it by then.. :)


Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 7:09 am
by RDalzell

Age is like fine wine. It gets better with time. No wise man ever wished to be younger.

As all have said, thank you for being you and being a friend.

Happy Birthday.

Re: Birthday

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:28 pm
by Auge_Ohr
:occasion-birthdaymulticolor: Roger
bwolfsohn wrote:Bobby,
I was expecting music with the birthday verse...
I'll check back in a few hours, & i'm sure you'll have posted it by then.. :)
i´m can not play piano like Bobby so i let my Computer play

Code: Select all




LOCAL i, nMax
LOCAL aTONE := { { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 1175 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1397 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1319 ,  16 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  2  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 1175 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1568 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1397 ,  16 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  2  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 1047 ,  4  } ,;
                 { 2093 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1760 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1397 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1319 ,  8  } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1175 ,  16 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  2  } ,;
                 { 1865 ,  6  } ,;
                 { 1865 ,  6  } ,;
                 { 1760 ,  11 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1397 ,  11 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1568 ,  11 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  1  } ,;
                 { 1397 ,  21 } ,;
                 {    0 ,  3  }   }

   nMax := LEN(aTONE)
   FOR i = 1 TO nMax


Re: Birthday

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:30 pm
by rdonnay
You guys are always so appreciative and generous with your accolades.

All I ever wanted from life was to be relevant and so I guess I have achieved that.

But I also am aware that all of you are relevant too and I am sure that your customers feel that you have made their lives better as a result. Let's all drink to relevance.