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dcget - width size

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:29 am
by Zdeno Bielik

I need in some screens set GET font's for some fields to 'Arial' font instead of default 'Courier' font,
but I don't know name of parameter, which will calculate size of created oGet object with
passed parameter, e.g. with char 'W'.

DCGET cGet GETFONT '10.Arial' GETSIZE 30 ...

Please, can someone help me refresh my memory, because I can't find nothing about this in eXpress++ help...

TIA & Regards

Re: dcget - width size

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:18 pm
by rdonnay
If you want to change ALL gets then you would used DCGETOPTIONS .. GETTEMPLATE 'W'.

If you want to change only ONE get then try this:

Code: Select all

@ .. DCSAY .. GET .. GETPREEVAL {|o|o:template := 'W'}

Re: dcget - width size

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:27 pm
by Zdeno Bielik
Hi Roger,
thank you

s pozdravom

zdeno bielik
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