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cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:15 am
by Zdeno Bielik
Hi Roger,

please, can you add support into DCSLE / DCGET for :cueBanner and :showBalloonTip() / hideBalloonTip() ?
Or is it already there and I did lost some track about integrated news ?

Thank you


s pozdravom

zdeno bielik
ace system, spol. s r.o.
štiavnická 18
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Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:52 am
by rdonnay
I was never able to get :cuebanner to work. I will try again.

Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:13 am
by Tom
CueBanner only works if the fields/vars are really empty. This will show a cuebanner:

Code: Select all

cMyVar1 := ""
cMyVar2 := ""
@ 1,1 DCSAY 'Test:' GET cMyVar1 GETSIZE 30 GETEVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}
@ 2,1 DCSAY 'Test:' GET cMyVar2 GETSIZE 30 GETEVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}

It will NOT show a cuebanner if cMyVar1 is initialized to "Space(30)". It also doesn't show the banner if the field has focus. Cuebanners only work if there's a manifest file - or if a manifest is linked to the app.

Edit: My sample does not allow to enter text anyway. :lol:

Also look here: ... PDRID=6083

Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:26 am
by rdonnay
Tom -

This is a bit of a problem because @ DCSAY..GET and DCGET are all based on DC_XbpGet() which requires that the variables have a fixed length. It wouldn't be much of a problem with with DCSLE.

I may need to create my own cuebanner system for DCGET.


Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:37 am
by rdonnay
No matter how much I try, I have NEVER been able to get a :cueBanner to display anything and I have yet to see a sample program that demonstrates it working.

Here is my latest try (and YES, I am using a manifest file) :

Code: Select all



LOCAL GetList[0]

LOCAL cMyVar1 := ""
LOCAL cMyVar2 := ""
@ 1,1 DCSAY 'Test:'
@ DCGUI_ROW, DCGUI_COL + 10 DCSLE cMyVar1 SIZE 30 EVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}

@ 2,1 DCSAY 'Test:'
@ DCGUI_ROW, DCGUI_COL + 10 DCGET cMyVar2 SIZE 30 EVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}



Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:46 am
by Tom
This is from my sample code (1st get has focus, so no banner is shown):

Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:52 am
by rdonnay
When you refer to your sample, I assume you mean this?

Code: Select all

cMyVar1 := ""
cMyVar2 := ""
@ 1,1 DCSAY 'Test:' GET cMyVar1 GETSIZE 30 GETEVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}
@ 2,1 DCSAY 'Test:' GET cMyVar2 GETSIZE 30 GETEVAL {|o|o:CueBanner := 'Enter Text'}


Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:58 am
by Tom
This is from your code. Win XP (other sample was on 7), visual styles enabled, theme enabled. Second get has focus:

Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:03 am
by Tom
When you refer to your sample, I assume you mean this?
Yeah. 8-)

Re: cueBanner / showBalloon

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:10 am
by rdonnay
Ok, I finally figured it out.

Thanks to your PDR link to Alaska, I came to realize that I had Asian fonts installed.
I would never have expected that.
I think I recall doing that now when trying to help Michael with a his Chinese problem.

For the first time ever, I now see a banner.
Now I can work this issue. Still not sure how I'm going to handle this with DCGET.

Thanks, Tom.