Dialog timeout

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Wolfgang Ciriack
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Dialog timeout

#1 Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Hi all,
i have a dialog with a timeout.

Code: Select all

1. Is it possible to show the remaining seconds in the dialog ?
2. Is it possible to stop the timer from within the dialog ?
Best Regards

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Re: Dialog timeout

#2 Post by Tom »

Hi, Wolfgang.

As you can see in DC_GetList:EventLoop() (_DCGETBX.PRG), the start time of the dialog is stored into a local var "nSeconds". Some changes to the DC_GetList class would allow to access this information. The timeout itself is stored into the class var "timeOut", which can be manipulated. But. Since this information is also read once by the event loop at start, a change would have no effect in my opinion.

Workaround: Create your own handler function and your own timeout system. Any event resets the timeout counter, that's almost it. If the timeout fires, just close the dialog from there.
Best regards,

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Zdeno Bielik
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Re: Dialog timeout

#3 Post by Zdeno Bielik »

1. Is it possible to show the remaining seconds in the dialog ?
2. Is it possible to stop the timer from within the dialog ?

any easy and ready-to-use solution I will appreciate too ;)


Wolfgang Ciriack
Posts: 479
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Re: Dialog timeout

#4 Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Thanks Tom.
Best Regards

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