Dear ALL
According to ADS documentation, desktop applications can access ads dbms using internet as VPN. All one need to do is to enable the INTERNET check box in the ads configuration utility and the specify the IP address with associated internet port. To me this is a great future. I never implemented it.
1. Has anyone done it ?
2. Can a similar functionality be achieved with other dbms such as MySql, ProgreSQL etc.
Rule is never to open ports toward internet. Always use VPN if you need access from outside of LAN.
So first you create VPN to access LAN with server from remote computers, then you do business as needed. For all it goes, you can enable SMB over VPN and it will work, just latency and bandwidht might be issue.
As I am not ADS user, I can comment only on 2nd
ad2) It is quite common to access sql dbms servers over VPN. Simply opening ports of SQL DBMS directly toward internet is quite bad idea no matter the authentification but VPN adds layer of protection. This method might have latency issues though, depending on physical connection underneath.
So first you create VPN to access LAN with server from remote computers, then you do business as needed. For all it goes, you can enable SMB over VPN and it will work, just latency and bandwidht might be issue.
As I am not ADS user, I can comment only on 2nd
ad2) It is quite common to access sql dbms servers over VPN. Simply opening ports of SQL DBMS directly toward internet is quite bad idea no matter the authentification but VPN adds layer of protection. This method might have latency issues though, depending on physical connection underneath.