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ReplaceBookmark error Word automation

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 5:51 am
by Victorio

I am using this function for automation replacing bookmarks with data from database to Word DOC document.

Code: Select all

static FUNCTION ReplaceBookmark(oBM,cBM,cValue)
LOCAL lRet := oBM:Exists(cBM)	// zistÝ, Ŕi bookmark existuje
    oF := oBM:Item(cBM)		// 
    oF : Range:Text := cValue	//	At this row get Error Automation/6500
    oF : Destroy()		// 
severa months I am not using this function, and now I get error :

Error Automation/6500;Description :
You do not have permission to edit this selection. The selection is protected.;Thread ID : 1

Where can be problem, ? Can be it before some in windowdows 10 or office update ? But problem exist on Word 2013 and also Office 365 with latest version.

Re: ReplaceBookmark error Word automation

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:30 am
by Koverhage
This has to do with a update of word.
Look at trust center
disable the protected view
c7681ab5-fa2e-4944-97d2-88affe6776aa.png (46.2 KiB) Viewed 2418 times

Re: ReplaceBookmark error Word automation

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:15 am
by Victorio
Hi Klaus,

I tryed modify this settings but this was not problem

Today I hope found problem,

* not work, problem with ActiveX access
oWord:documents:open( cFile, .F., .T. )

* work without problems
oWord:documents:open( cFile)

at this moment I do not know why I put this two parametres to function Open, but without it works fine

Have a nice day
