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How can I update the DCBROWCOL FOOTER
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:25 am
by unixkd
Hi all
How can I update the DCBROWCOL FOOTER in DCBROWSE ... EDIT Array at runtime. After editing a cell and want to display the total in the footer.
Re: How can I update the DCBROWCOL FOOTER
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:20 am
by Tom
Code: Select all
DCBROWSECOL .... FOOTER {||CalculateThisFooter(<yourparams>)}
RefreshAll() will not update this footer, but DC_GetRefresh(GetList/oBrowse) will do.
Re: How can I update the DCBROWCOL FOOTER
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:19 am
by digitsoft
DCBROWSECOL DATA {|| SQLFieldGet(oPVCAM02F,"BCE_Cap") } HEADER "BALANCE;PENDIENTE" WIDTH 08 PARENT oFPendiente PICTURE "9,999,999.99" eval {|oB|oB:dataArea:lbClick := {|a,b,o| SetAppFocus( IIF(lFactura,oFactura,oNombre) ) } } OWNERDRAW FOOTER {|| "" } FOOTPRES aFootPres OBJECT oColColumn4 // ALIGN XBPALIGN_RIGHT
Esta es para Cambiar el Footer
oColColumn4:footing:setcell(1 ,TRANSFORM(SQLFieldGet(oBaseDeDatos,"nBalance"),"9,999,999.99"), ,.T.)