Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:03 pm
Guess I give up. Our new ADS client can open ADS ok, but does not open any files after connecting. Think its the related to dbesys and the ADS version. Cannot connect from xdot using the load under any circumstances, but can work if I do ads /a. Not sure what difference it makes. They have paid many thousands of dollars for ADS 50-users, did not ask how $$$, and had no problems with our former clients, but they all have an older version of everything. (guess that should not matter since xdot /a works)
using xdot it shows using ads database, but our dbesys show foxdbf,etc. Think that may be the issue, but unsure. Just wore out at this point.
Hoping you are around to assist late tuesday or wednesday. I should send you on a vacation.
Thanks, again
Guess I give up. Our new ADS client can open ADS ok, but does not open any files after connecting. Think its the related to dbesys and the ADS version. Cannot connect from xdot using the load under any circumstances, but can work if I do ads /a. Not sure what difference it makes. They have paid many thousands of dollars for ADS 50-users, did not ask how $$$, and had no problems with our former clients, but they all have an older version of everything. (guess that should not matter since xdot /a works)
using xdot it shows using ads database, but our dbesys show foxdbf,etc. Think that may be the issue, but unsure. Just wore out at this point.
Hoping you are around to assist late tuesday or wednesday. I should send you on a vacation.
Thanks, again