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Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:21 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Is there a source code training program that demonstrates all the features of working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0? If so, where can I get it? Is there any documentation about this with examples?
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:41 am
by rdonnay
It depends on what you are wanting to do with the internet.
Tell me what you are using Xb2net for.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:26 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
When someone in the world runs the Eidos system on computers connected to the Internet, it immediately enters information about it in a text database on a specially created site. This can be visualized on the world map in different forms, for example, like this: This has been the case since the end of 2016. Some of the work is done directly on my site using php and javascript (see the attached file). The Eidos system currently has 221 cloud-based intelligent applications: ... bAppls.htm. They can be recorded in the Eidos system itself to the same site via ftp, and can also be downloaded from the site and installed. In addition, each app is a topic in the built-in forum, so you can discuss each app. The source code of the system is always up-to-date here: Even immediately after starting the Eidos system using the program ___START_AIDOS-X.exe it immediately checks for system updates (patches) on my site. If there is an update, it is immediately downloaded and unzipped. In this case, the executable module of the Eidos system is usually updated, and a number of files are replaced with new versions. The source code of this program is in the attached file.
Когда кто-либо в мире запускает систему Эйдос на компьютерах, подключенных к интернет, то она сразу заносит информацию об этом в текстовую базу данных на специально созданном сайте. Это можно визуализировать на карте мира в разных формах, например, так: Это есть с конца 2016 года. Часть работ проводится непосредственно на моем сайте с помощью php и javascript (см. прикрепленный файл). В системе Эйдос на данный момент есть 221 облачное интеллектуальное приложение: ... bAppls.htm. Их можно записывать в самой системе Эйдос на этот же сайт по ftp, а также можно скачивать с сайта и устанавливать. Кроме того каждое приложение является темой встроенного форума, т.е. можно обсуждать каждое приложение. Здесь всегда актуальный исходный текст системы: Еще сразу после запуска системы Эйдос с помощью программы ___START_AIDOS-X.exe она сразу проверяет наличие обновлений (патч) системы на моем сайте. Если обновление есть, оно сразу скачивается и разархивируется. При этом обычно обновляется исполнимый модуль системы Эйдос, а также заменяется новыми версиями ряд файлов. Исходный текст этой программы в прикрепленном файле.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:07 am
by rdonnay
I will look at your code.
Meanwhile, I suggest that you look at \exp20\source\imclient\imclient.prg.
This was written using Xb2net.
I converted it in only a few hours to 2.0.
The converted code is in \exp20\source\imclient20.prg
The same goes for ImServer.
This is an Instant Messaging system written using eXpress++ and the Internet.
I wrote it originally for the California Public Health Administration for use in their outgoing call center.
They used it in house in an Intranet configuration because their IT department would not allow the usage of any IM's like Microsoft, Yahoo, Skype, etc.
If you have a file comparison program like Beyond Compare, bring up both files and compare them side by side.
This may give you some ideas.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:44 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank you very much, Roger!
By the way, in California, the Eidos system is used quite intensively.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:55 am
by rdonnay
Your source code shows that the only thing you are using from Xb2Net is xbFTPClient().
Am I correct about this?
Xbase++ has always had a FTPClient() class in it's professional version.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:04 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Yes. But I also check the availability of the Internet, check the date and time when the update file was created. The update file is located on the hosting. And I have a small file start Eidos and even the big system itself Eidos. I have a professional version 2.0.
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:13 am
by rdonnay
Those other functions are not Xb2Net functions. They are standard Xbase++ code.
The only thing you are using from Xb2Net is xbFTPClient().
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:48 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
So this is great! Thank you for the great news!
Re: Working with the Internet in Alaska 2.0
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:23 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
I successfully managed to organize ftp work under 2.0 without xb2net! Thank you very much!!!