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#1 Post by omni »


I am playing with your shortcuts example, from many years back. Got it to work fine using your shortcuts program with some minor changes to match our set up.

At the top of our main menu, we added the command it gives a syntax error when compiling. No idea why. All information is pretty much the same.

We copied the required functions to the bottom with similar results.

DC_XbpMenuShift( {|a,b|MenuShiftEval(a,b,oToolBar,'OPMENU')})

The above gives the error compiling. We do not use bitmaps on the menu items, but that makes no difference when we remove them from shortcuts, still works.

We put it in the same place, right above the dcmenubar. Also tried in other places but still get the message.

Got the right version or it would not work on shortcuts, so that is eliminated.

Just mystified.


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Re: Shortcuts

#2 Post by rdonnay »

I need more information.

What code gives the syntax error?

Are you saying that this single line of code is giving the error?

Code: Select all

DC_XbpMenuShift( {|a,b|MenuShiftEval(a,b,oToolBar,'OPMENU')})
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Re: Shortcuts

#3 Post by omni »

Yes, that single line gives an error, or at least the first error.
All necessary functions also give a syntax error.

Such as:

MenuShiftEval( aItem, aBitmaps, oToolBar, cMenuName )

Each one errors with a syntax error. And at that point most lines under it. As if the compiler goes crazy.

I tried on my test menu, which is used to run any program on its own and it also gives the syntax error.

The same lib files are used for all 3, including the one that works. CH files also match.

The test one is small.

Removed all items from the local command to the menubar except the single line on my test menu and it still gives the error.

I can set up a very small sample.


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Re: Shortcuts

#4 Post by rdonnay »

I can set up a very small sample.
Yes, you will need to do that.
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Re: Shortcuts

#5 Post by omni »

I am going to first go line by line (comparing and adding exact code) from the one that FAILS FROM the longer program for running tests. Actually just adding the same lines. So far they are 90% exactly the same and one works one does not. Seeing if some program attached or other setting is causing it to fail.
I know you are busy with other things...will let you know one way or another, and arrange to send the one that errors if I give up.

Say safe.

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