Thanks Roger for your help
On Line 5119 this code is written and the bitmap does not look good
IF lIcon
aTarget: = {nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow}
:: oIcon: Draw (oPS, aTarget, XBP_STATE_NORMAL)
ELSEIF lBitmap
aSource: = {0,0, oBitmap: xSize, oBitmap: ySize}
aTarget: = {nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow}
:: oBitmap: draw (oPS, aTarget, aSource, GRA_BLT_ROP_SRCCOPY ,, XBP_STATE_NORMAL)
ELSEIF Valtype (cCaption) == 'C'
GraCaptionStr (oPS, {nStartCol, nStartRow}, {nEndCol, nEndRow}, cCaption, nAlign)
rdonnay wrote:The source in _DCXBROW.PRG that draws the bitmap looks like this:
Code: Select all
aSource := {0,0,oBitmap:xSize,oBitmap:ySize}
aTarget := { nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow }
::oBitmap:draw( oPS, aTarget, aSource, GRA_BLT_ROP_SRCCOPY,, XBP_STATE_NORMAL )
I suggest that you experiment with some options of XbpBitmap():draw() to see if it makes an improvement.
You will need to modify _DCXBROW.PRG and rebuild DCLIPX.DLL by running BUILD20.BAT.