Has anybody developed an interface for the LDAP user information.
I would like to provide a single signon access via the network login, rather than requiring the user to login into each application individually.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don't use LDAP, but I allow (via preferences) to automatically login users to my app which have the same username inside the app as they have for Windows.
This is the function to get the Windows user name:
This is the function to get the Windows user name:
Code: Select all
STATIC FUNCTION xw32_GetUserName()
LOCAL nxDll, cCall, cRetVal := space(256), nRetVal := 0, nSize := 255
nxDll := DllLoad( "ADVAPI32.DLL")
IF nxDll != 0
nRetVal := DllCall( nxDll, DLL_STDCALL, "GetUserNameA", ;
@cRetVal, @nSize )
DllUnload( nxDll )
RETURN ( Upper(StrTran(cRetVal,Chr(0),'')) )
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"Okay, give me a second chance."
"Did I offend you?"
"Okay, give me a second chance."