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Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:43 am
by omni
We are sending a soap request and getting the data stream back in a xsd:base64Binary line of text.
Does anybody know a way to parse/interpret this into english. (I guess into a soap message, or just text).
I have looked on the internet but so far nothing. I need to use it inside my app.
Re: xsd:base64Binary
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:40 am
by rdonnay
Are you using Xb2Net?
Re: xsd:base64Binary
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:26 pm
by omni
No, I found it to be very limited. It would not work at all for the HTTPS that I was going to. I actually am using SOAPUI 3.5, which is free. You can insert your own soap, or change whatever you need to for your host server in order to make it work. Then it has a batch runner, they call it test runner, that you can call from your app (its a batch file) that will use what you have saved in your project and then you can save the results in a file for doing whatever you need to do.
We are downloading some normal soap, but the big download is a mass number of vehicle locations, which is base 64 binary form.
Since I asked for help I have found decoders on the internet. The one I got is a free exe that runs in windows and is perfect. Its very small and can code or decode, and you just enter the file name to use and the file name to save to. Then you do what you need to do with the data. Its great.
All this has taken a month of research and headaches because the xb2 would not work and Boris just quit helping when he found out his app was not going to work.
I was connecting to close this request. Thanks.
Re: xsd:base64Binary
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:30 am
by Auge_Ohr
Re: xsd:base64Binary
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:22 pm
by bborzic
omni wrote:All this has taken a month of research and headaches because the xb2 would not work and Boris just quit helping when he found out his app was not going to work.
I ran across this message today - I hate it when people post misleading information on the internet.
FYI, Boris quit helping because he did not get paid for the initial work that he did for Omni Information Systems. I'm sorry but I do this work for a living and not a hobby. Free support will only get you so far! My company has literally hundreds of sites that have industrial apps running 24x7 using SQLExpress & Xb2.NET. All of these sites use SOAP, HTTP, SSL and low-level socket communications and they work perfectly.
Useful information is a rare but valuable commodity. Paying for a few days of professional services would have saved one month of research and headaches.
Boris Borzic
industrial strength Xbase++ development tools