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How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpress

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:34 am
by digitsoft
How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpress

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:50 am
by Tom
Use Runshell. The application name of the keyboard is "osk.exe".

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:24 am
by rdonnay
Use Runshell. The application name of the keyboard is "osk.exe".
I am working on several KIOSK applications for the Taxi system.
We have a screen with a lot of required data entry.
We are still evaluating whether it is better to give them a physical keyboard instead of OSK.EXE.
I have never been successful at getting OSK.EXE to run from RunShell() without an error.
Thus, I wrote a popup keyboard in Xbase++.

We have to start OSK.EXE before starting the KIOSK.
We don't need it for most screens. Only for the large data form.

Are you using it in your application?

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:45 am
by Tom
No. We created our own on screen keyboard, resizeable und customizable, and people like it (it makes funny noises if you want).
But Nolberto asked how to activate the Windows-osk, and that's the question I answered. 8-)

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:34 am
by digitsoft
hello Roger
I'm not using it at the moment I'm using what I've done is telling users to activate the windows keyboard when they need it, but it's very complicated for some users
rdonnay wrote:
Use Runshell. The application name of the keyboard is "osk.exe".
I am working on several KIOSK applications for the Taxi system.
We have a screen with a lot of required data entry.
We are still evaluating whether it is better to give them a physical keyboard instead of OSK.EXE.
I have never been successful at getting OSK.EXE to run from RunShell() without an error.
Thus, I wrote a popup keyboard in Xbase++.

We have to start OSK.EXE before starting the KIOSK.
We don't need it for most screens. Only for the large data form.

Are you using it in your application?

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:36 am
by digitsoft
Thanks tom
but the truth is that I need a keyboard to adapt it to my system for Tablet.
If you have any examples please, pass it on.
Tom wrote:No. We created our own on screen keyboard, resizeable und customizable, and people like it (it makes funny noises if you want).
But Nolberto asked how to activate the Windows-osk, and that's the question I answered. 8-)

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:39 am
by digitsoft
Hi, Could you explain how to load this PopKeyBoard function from HANDLER?

STATIC FUNCTION MyHandler( nEvent, mp1, mp2, oXbp, oDlgs, aGetList )
local i := 0, j

if nEvent == xbeM_Wheel .AND. oXbp:isDerivedFrom('XbpColumn')
SystemParametersInfoA( SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, @i, 0 )
if i < 0
i := oXbp:parent:RowCount
END if
i := Int( (Mp2[2] / 360) * i )
i *= (-1)

PostAppEvent( xbeBRW_Navigate, XBPBRW_Navigate_Skip, i, oXbp:parent )
elseif nEvent == xbeP_SetInputFocus .AND. oXbp:isDerivedFrom('DC_XbpGet')
dcqout nEvent,xbeP_SetInputFocus

PopKeyBoard(nEvent, mp1, mp2, oXbp:parent, oDlg, .T. )

END if

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:59 am
by rdonnay
Hi, Could you explain how to load this PopKeyBoard function from HANDLER?
I don't know what PopKeyBoard function you are referring to.
I suspect that you mean PopKeyPad() from \exp20\samples\touchscr\keypad.prg

This is very old code.

A much better one is the TouchKeyboard class in \exp20\samples\touchscr\keypad3.prg.
It requires no bitmap files. See attached screenshot.

What you are wanting is something that works like OSK.
This will take a few changes to the keypad3.prg code.

I will create a new OSK class and a sample and post it in this forum.
keypad3.jpg (132.1 KiB) Viewed 17137 times

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:02 am
by rdonnay
people like it (it makes funny noises if you want)
Funny is always good. :lol: :character-kermit:

Re: How to activate the Windows Virtual Keyboard from eXpres

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:16 pm
by Auge_Ohr

Code: Select all

   SHELLOPENFILE( "C:\WINDOWS\system32\", "osk.exe" )


   lSuccess := DllCall( "SHELL32.DLL"  , DLL_STDCALL, ;
               "ShellExecuteA", AppDesktop():GetHWND(), "open", cPath+cFile,;
               cPara, CurDir(), SW_NORMAL )