Getoptions abort/exit/close query
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:51 am
While testing it seems to me that the functionality op the abort/exit/close query in dcgetoptions isn't working as described in the manual.
This is what I added to my dcgetoptions:
The CLOSE message never appears? If I click the X (upper right) I'm getting also 'EXIT'?
While testing it seems to me that the functionality op the abort/exit/close query in dcgetoptions isn't working as described in the manual.
This is what I added to my dcgetoptions:
Code: Select all
ABORTQUERY MSG {||DC_MsgBox(,,{'ABORT ?'},"CANCEL or ESCape" ,,,.t.,1,,,,,'10.Arial.bold')} ;
EXITQUERY MSG {||DC_MsgBox(,,{'EXIT ?'},"OK or EXIT" ,,,.t.,1,,,,,'10.Arial.bold')} ;
CLOSEQUERY MSG {||DC_MsgBox(,,{'Close ?'},"X or Icon left corner" ,,,.t.,1,,,,,'10.Arial.bold')}