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Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:55 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hello Roger,
i tried to update from version 264 to 265, and i see 2 differences, which make a lot of work to change my code.
1. Change to DCGROUP: The caption is now shown with a different background color.
This change i can solve with adding a COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, mybackroundcolor - a lot of work... but ok.
2. DCPUSHBUTTONXP have now a different spacing between icon and text.
I do not know what happend there ?

Attached 2 screenshots with 264 and 265.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:08 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
I have removed the OFFSET from the CAPTION of the DCPUSHBUTTONXP, now it is the same look with 265.
Seems, that you now place the caption automaticly right to the bitmap, when having bitmap and text on the button.

Next problem is the DCSTATIC TYPE XBPSTATIC_TYPE_RAISEDBOX, it has now the default background color, in 264 it was the color, that i defined as COLOR in the default GetOptions. (dc_getoptdefault(GetOptions) )

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:23 am
by rdonnay
I am now home and getting back to work.

I will look into this.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:24 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Any news on this topic ?

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:53 am
by rdonnay
I have removed the OFFSET from the CAPTION of the DCPUSHBUTTONXP, now it is the same look with 265.
Seems, that you now place the caption automaticly right to the bitmap, when having bitmap and text on the button.
I have been responsive to eXpress++ users when they have problems with something like DCPUSHBUTTONXP. I forgot what the reason was that I made the change to OFFSET but I would not do something like this if I thought it would break other users applications. Sorry for that problem. I assume that you are ok now with 265 and DCPUSHBUTTONXP. Am I right about this?

Now I will look into your DCSTATIC problem.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:58 am
by rdonnay
I had to be really careful here to not break anything else when working with DCSTATIC objects.

Xbase++ has always had problems with colors on XbpStatic() type GROUPBOX and some others.
I believe that this fix will not cause other regression problems but I'm never sure. I just hate touching this code.

Here is a fix for you:

Copy _DCCLASS.PRG to \exp20\source\dclipx folder and run BUILD20.BAT.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:00 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hello Roger,
i still test version 265, now with your staticfix. I found another hint, which i can not change:

I have a
@1.8,0.5 DCSAY "Auf-/Lfs-Nr.:" SAYSIZE 9.44 PARENT oTagBox
@1.8,10.36 DCSAY {|| str(auf->aufnum,7) } ;
PARENT oTagBox ;
SAYSIZE 7.00,0.8
The PRESENTATION is now ignored, i tried it with COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, GRA_CLR_WHITE, it does not change.
See the difference in the pictures.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:59 am
by rdonnay
As I said, I don't like touching this code.
You are welcome to make any changes you want.

You have the source code.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:49 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Sorry, but you must have touch the code, so version 264 and 265 are bringing different results.

Re: Differences 264 / 265

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:39 pm
by rdonnay
It really helps me if I don't have to create a test program to reproduce your problem.

Can you please give me a test program?