DC_PRINTFILE to PDF and page number
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:19 pm
I am searching some solution for print page number , when print to PDF file.
I do not want use some third party sw, like pdftk, or some other, which need run with runshell.
I have TXT file and this file I print with function DC_PRINTFILE.
I need put to every page his number.
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
VIEWPORT 150,150,4750,6500 ; // toto je zhruba ok
MARGIN {-2,1} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
dcpstatus:=DC_PRINTFILE(suborptk2,.F.,"11.Courier New",aOptions)
RauknReport is "virtual printer" in profile PDF Creator.
I examine generate one file with only page numbers to PDF, and merge with PDF report, with PDFTK.EXE , works fine, but first must count pages in PDF file, and generate PDF file with page numbers, this need some time to processing...
Know you any simpliest way ?
I am searching some solution for print page number , when print to PDF file.
I do not want use some third party sw, like pdftk, or some other, which need run with runshell.
I have TXT file and this file I print with function DC_PRINTFILE.
I need put to every page his number.
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
VIEWPORT 150,150,4750,6500 ; // toto je zhruba ok
MARGIN {-2,1} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
dcpstatus:=DC_PRINTFILE(suborptk2,.F.,"11.Courier New",aOptions)
RauknReport is "virtual printer" in profile PDF Creator.
I examine generate one file with only page numbers to PDF, and merge with PDF report, with PDFTK.EXE , works fine, but first must count pages in PDF file, and generate PDF file with page numbers, this need some time to processing...
Know you any simpliest way ?