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Printing Barcode
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:06 pm
by omni
A user changed servers and now his barcodes do not print. Printed yesterday. and I cannot remember how to set it up.
The code is as follows.
@ln+1,62 dcprint say bPronum FONT '30.Free 3 of 9 Extended'
I thought they needed the fre30f9x.tff file, but if I delete that out of my folder here the barcode still prints, to its apparenly something else.
He also says that file was not in his folder on old server.
My memory is swiss cheese
Any help is appreciated.
Re: Printing Barcode
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:18 pm
by Wolfgang Ciriack
You have to copy the ttf file in the windows font folder.
Re: Printing Barcode
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:36 pm
by omni
I told him that also...will get him to retry that.
Re: Printing Barcode
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:05 pm
by Cliff Wiernik
Plus you often have to make certain it is installed there. This registers it. You can access the fonts information inside something like word that will also make certain it is registered as sometimes I have seen just copying not be sufficient.
Re: Printing Barcode
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:41 am
by c-tec
maybe this can help
Code: Select all
function installfont(cFont,lSilent)
local cFontFile,lUpdate := .f. ,cRet
local cWinFontfile
default lSilent to .f.
if !".ttf" $ cFont
cFont += ".ttf"
cFontFile := addpath(al_path,"\fonts\" + cFont) // font in program folder
cWinFontfile := addpath(getenv("SystemRoot"),"fonts\" + cFont) // font in Windows font folder
if !fexists(cFontFile) .and. !lSilent
toastmsg("Font " + cFOntFIle + " not found !")
return .f.
if !comparefiles(cFontFile,cWinFontfile)
lUpdate := .t.
cReg := dc_regquery(,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts",cFont + " Plain (TrueType)")
if empty(cReg) .and. fexists(cWinFontfile)
dc_regwrite(,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts",cFont + " Plain (TrueType)",cFont)
lUpdate := .t.
cReg := dc_regquery(,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts",cFont + " Plain (TrueType)")
if lUpdate
DllCall("GDI32.DLL", DLL_STDCALL, "AddFontResourceA", cFont )
return !empty(cReg) .and. fexists(cWinFontfile)
Re: Printing Barcode
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:02 am
by skiman
The easiest way is to instal the font every time at startup. This is very fast, and I do it in a separate thread at startup of my application.
I install all the fonts I need. Since I added this to my application, I never had any problem with 'missing' fonts after one of my customers had a new pc.
Code: Select all
function installfonts()
Local aList := directory(".\fonts\*.ttf")
Local i , cFont , cPath:=amain(5,2)
for i := 1 to len(aList)
cFont := cPath+'\fonts\'+aList[i][F_NAME]
DllCall("GDI32.DLL", DLL_STDCALL, "AddFontResourceA", cFont )
return nil