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Version difference 264

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:02 am
by TWolfe
A couple of minor problems that have cropped up since I started testing version 264.

In version 254 the following was ok:

Code: Select all

@ 12,40 DCSAY {||"Current 'Other' Balance = $"+nTrim(nTotOther)+space(10)}
In version 264 it produces an error at compile time and the following is required:

Code: Select all

@ 12,40 DCSAY {||"Current "+chr(39)+"Other"+chr(39)+" Balance = $"+nTrim(nTotOther)+space(10)}

Code: Select all

@  2,24 DCSAY IIF(aCurCal[1,ccalStatus]='Y',"Exact Only","")
Must be changed to

Code: Select all

@  2,24 DCSAY IIF(aCurCal[1,ccalStatus]="Y","Exact Only","")

Also vertical alignment of text on DC_XbpPushButtonXP now seems to include the shadow so the text is not centered on the button if a shadow is defined. (This is very noticeable on thin buttons with a shadow of 5 or 6)


Re: Version difference 264

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:04 pm
by rdonnay
In version 264 it produces an error at compile time
I don't get any compile time or run time error in either 264 or 265.
Something else is going on.

Can you give me your test program?
Also, please give me your DCDIALOG.CH file.

Re: Version difference 264

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:24 pm
by rdonnay
Also vertical alignment of text on DC_XbpPushButtonXP now seems to include the shadow so the text is not centered on the button if a shadow is defined. (This is very noticeable on thin buttons with a shadow of 5 or 6)
Add the pushbutton to your test program too so I can see exactly what you are seeing.

Re: Version difference 264

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:01 am
by TWolfe
The attached file does not compile under version 264. If you change Terry's to Terrys it will compile.

It compiles either way under version 254.

I included a button with shadow to demonstrate the differences with vertical centering.


Re: Version difference 264

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 2:58 pm
by rdonnay
I have attached a new DCDIALOG.CH and _DCXBUTT.PRG.

The problem with DCDIALOG.CH was due to the new design features I added to eXpress++ that required more information about objects to be stored in the GetList for use by the designer.

Code: Select all

     ;DC_GetListSet(DCGUI_GETLIST,aGETLIST_VARS,                            ;
                     {'DCSAYGET',<(oObject)>,<(oParent)>,<cText>,           ;
                       #<nRow>,#<nCol>,#<nWidth>,#<nHeight>} )
I removed the stringify which changed <(cText)> to <cText>. That solves the compile problem.

I fixed the offset problem in _DCXBUTT to properly center the caption now.
You will need to copy _DCXBUTT.PRG to your \exp20\source\dclipx folder and run BUILD20.BAT or BUILD19_SL1.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL. I'll be releasing a build 266 soon to fix this regression.