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Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:03 am
by Tom
Hi, Roger.

This is a short list of things which were already mentioned, but seem to be forgotten:

1. DC_XbpBrowse:ForceStable(): This method still replaces the errorblock during the force-stable-process, so there is no access to the error system if there are errors inside color codeblocks of the browse, for example.

2. If the DCMESSAGEBOX is used with the MOTION clause, every move with the mouse over parts with messages forces the complete getlist to be evaluated (getwhen). This slows down the repaint of items in huge getlists. You promised to replace this with the LEAVE/ENTER-slots (some months ago). The MOTION clause is useless until then.

3. Clauses like WHEN, TOOLTIP and maybe others would still be helpful for buttons added with DCREAD ADDBUTTONS CUSTOM to the getlist. (Would it be hard work to create an option BUTTONSTOP for those buttons, so they appear on top of the dialog?)

4. If DC_BrowseColor() is used to show toggled background colors, a browse with an odd number of rows changes the background colors with every RefreshAll(). This happens with arrays and tables.

They were some other (cosmetic) things The Wizard From Idaho promised to integrate, but since I can't access the legacy board anymore, please assume them to be not urgent/important/really necessary. 8-)


Re: Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:58 am
by rdonnay
Tom -

Thanks for the refresher.
I needed that.


Re: Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:19 am
by rdonnay
Tom -

I already removed the custom ForceStable() from _DCXBROW.PRG:

Below is my current code. Commented out. Are you saying that Alaska still traps the errors?

Code: Select all

METHOD DC_XbpBrowse:forceStable()
LOCAL bErrorBlock := ErrorBlock({|e|_TrapErrors(e)})


Re: Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:48 am
by rdonnay
This is my suggestion for additional BUTTON parameters.

1128. Added new options to the BUTTONS clause of DCGETOPTIONS. The
<aButtons> array now allows for the additional optional parameters:

Code: Select all

       Element  Type   Description
       -------  -----  -------------------------------------------
          6     N/C/O  Bitmap resource, name or object when element 7 is
                         an object
          7     O       Configuration object - DC_PushButtonXPConfig() class
          8     B       WHEN Code block
          9     C/B     TOOLTIP
         10     C/O     Font compound name or font object
         11     N/A     Accelerator hotkey or array of hot keys

Re: Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:51 am
by rdonnay
About Browse Row Alternating Colors.

Jack Duijf provided the code for a new ZEBRA clause for DCBROWSE that appears to correct these problems.
This will be in the next release.

Re: Wishlist/may-be forgotten things

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:05 am
by Tom
Hi, Roger.
Below is my current code. Commented out. Are you saying that Alaska still traps the errors?
Oops. I just looked for "ErrorBlock" in the new code you sent me (fonts with DC_AutoRestoreBrowse) and missed that it was already commented out. So forget # 1. ;)