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DCBROWSE tagging

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:57 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hi Roger,
previous to version 264 i used 261 and the tagging with 2 DCBROWSE databases works correct.
When i now changed to version 264 the tagging with databases and the use of the public var DcTags does not work anymore.
(unknown var DcTags).
I know, that i can use DC_RecTagArray() but i do not know how to use this with 2 DCBROWSE with different databases in one dialog.
The public DCTAGS var used the select area and the records array, where as the DC_RecTagArray() only uses the records.
Is it possible to have an array { {select1,{}}, {select2,{}} } with DC_RecTagArray or is there an other posibility to use tagging with two different DCBROWSES ?

Re: DCBROWSE tagging

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:30 am
by rdonnay
I don't see why there should be any difference except that I made tagging thread-safe.

Please give me a small sample program that demonstrates the problem.

Re: DCBROWSE tagging

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:27 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hi Roger,
here is the modified sample generic from folder samples\browse (i remarked some new functions and added tagging and drag & drop).
If you run this with version 260, tagging, drag and drop works as expected.
If you run it with 264 error "unknown var dcTags" is thrown with draging.

Re: DCBROWSE tagging

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:41 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hi Roger,
i think, i figured it out.
Using DC_RecTagArray() without parameter at top and access the tag array with (alias())->(DC_RecTagArray()) instead of M->DCTAGS[alias()][2] do work.
Please change the text in your help for the function DC_RecTagArray, there is no more a public array DCTAGS:
<aTags> is an array of tags. If no array is passed then
the currently selected work area portion of the public
DCTAGS array will used.

Re: DCBROWSE tagging

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:31 am
by rdonnay
I have always used (<alias>)->(DC_RecTagArray()) instead of dcTags.

dcTags is a leftover from my old dCLIP library for Clipper.
It used a few PUBLIC variables.

I don't use PUBLIC variables in eXpress++. Only LOCAL variables.

I will correct the docs.
Thanks for your patience on this issue.