Creating FOXPRO 2.x databases with XDOT.EXE

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Creating FOXPRO 2.x databases with XDOT.EXE

#1 Post by rdonnay »

Build 263 and 264 of DC_LoadRdds() in DCLIP1.DLL of eXpress++ were updated to cause the FOXCDX driver to create databases that were compatible with Foxpro 2.x. Previous versions created databases that were compatible with Visual Foxpro. This was done mostly so the databases would work with Visual Foxpro, Xbase++ and ADSDBE.

This seems to have caused some confusion and so, in build 265 I will be restoring the FOXCDX configuration to use the default settings of Xbase++ (Visual Foxpro).

To give XDot.exe users the ability to still create Foxpro 2.x databases, I have added a new parameter:

XDOT /fox2x

This will configure the FOXCDX driver for Foxpro 2.x compatibility.

If you need this capability now and don't want to wait for build 265, then the attached files contains an update.

Copy _DCINIT.PRG and _DCRDD.PRG to your \exp20\source\dclip1 folder and run BUILD20.BAT or BUILD19_SL1.BAT to create DCLIP1.DLL.

Copy XDOT.PRG to your \exp20\source\xdot folder and run BUILD20.BAT or BUILD19_SL1.BAT to create XDOT.EXE.
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