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The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 10:45 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Somebody realized the discrete Fourier transform in Alaska? ... _transform

Here is a BASIC: ... ok_Ch8.pdf

Code: Select all

Это тип данных, в котором хранятся отсчеты кривой:
Type complex
    Re As Double
    Im As Double
End Type

Перед вызовом функции нужно заполнить массив А() числами. Причем A.Re()=величина сигнала, а A.Im=0
Потом вызываем FFT(). Она возвращает результат в том же массиве A()
Пользоваться так:
int A(255),i;
A(i).Re=sin(2*PI*i/255); // какая-то кривая
A(i).Im=0;    // все это для всех 256 точек
FFT(256,&A); /* именно 256, а не 255 */
Ниже идет текст подпрограммы быстрого преобр. Фурье на бейсике.
Sub FFT(n As Integer, A() As complex) 'кол-во точек, действит., мнимые
Dim j, i, N2, N1, D1, D2, K, M, l, l1, l2, U1, U2, W1, W2, I1, t1, t2, U3
N2 = n / 2: N1 = n - 1: j = 1
M = Fix(Log(n) / Log(2) + 0.1)
For i = 1 To N1  'перестановка
    If i < j Then
        D1 = A(j).Re: A(j).Re = A(i).Re: A(i).Re = D1
        D2 = A(j).Im: A(j).Im = A(i).Im: A(i).Im = D2
    End If
    K = N2
    While (K < j)
        j = j - K: K = K / 2
    j = j + K
Next i
For l = 1 To M
l1 = 2 ^ l
l2 = l1 / 2
U1 = 1: U2 = 0
W1 = Cos(PI / l2): W2 = -Sin(PI / l2)
For j = 1 To l2
For i = j To n Step l1
    I1 = i + l2
    t1 = A(I1).Re * U1 - A(I1).Im * U2: t2 = A(I1).Im * U1 + A(I1).Re * U2
    A(I1).Re = A(i).Re - t1: A(I1).Im = A(i).Im - t2
    A(i).Re = A(i).Re + t1: A(i).Im = A(i).Im + t2
Next i
U3 = U1: U1 = U1 * W1 - U2 * W2: U2 = U2 * W1 + U3 * W2
Next j
Next l
End Sub

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:43 pm
by rdonnay
You may want to use the free FFTDLL.DLL.

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:20 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank you very much, Roger!

I did not even expect it to have. But I looked up, there is an example on VC. But how to do in Alaska? Is it possible to use the in Alaska this DLL and LIB? Library functions such as described by you indicated address.

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 6:37 am
by rdonnay
Did you download the DLL?

My ESET security blocked me from do the download and said it's a security risk.
I guess I should have tried that first before recommending it.

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:11 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
I have Avast missed everything. It's okay to download.

Now Eidos system which I develop, I can load external data table, text and graphic appearance. And poom based on these data can build intelligent models and solve a number of problems. And I want more opportunity to make audio data download and their generalizations, identification, etc ..

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:42 pm
by rdonnay
After looking again at the documentation, I see that this will require binary arrays to pass as parameters.

This isn't going to be easy.

It may be easier to just convert PHP code.
I saw several sites that has the FFT algorithm written in PHP.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do this for you. It will take several hours and then I'm not sure how to test it.

Re: The Fourier transform of Alaska

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 8:22 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Thank you, Roger!
Of course you do not need to spend time on it. Try it yourself to find out. If possible, the result is laid out on the forum.
I also saw such sites.