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DC_expressbuttonstyle problem

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:31 pm
by zolifree
Hi Roger,

I using DC_XbpPushButtonXPDefault() and DC_PushButtonStyle() in my program for modern looking pushbuttons.
I use ADDBUTTONS with the DCREAD, but it uses the default old style buttons.
I used DC_expressbuttonstyle() for change the ADDBUTTONS style the same as the other buttons, and it first seemed working well.
But as soon as my clients downloaded the program with this feature, they started complaining, they are not able to push the Ok button by pressing the Alt+O.
I never used the program this way, but is seems many client uses this, and I need to fix this.
I handled the situation by deleting the DC_expressbuttonstyle() from the program, but the program looks strange with 2 different style buttons.
I waited for the 264 version maybe handle this, but it is not.
Please help me solve this problem.

Best regards,

Re: DC_expressbuttonstyle problem

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:50 am
by Tom
Did you deliver all eXpress++-components (DLLs) to your customers?

Re: DC_expressbuttonstyle problem

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:27 am
by zolifree
Tom wrote:Did you deliver all eXpress++-components (DLLs) to your customers?
Yes, everithing downloaded with new program versions.
The problem exists on my computer too, I only not tested the Alt+O before delivered the new programversion to clients.

You can see the problem with this program:
local getlist:={},wt:=space(30)
local pgombszin:= GraMakeRGBColor( { 255, 255, 205 } )
local woConfig := DC_XbpPushButtonXPConfig():new()
woConfig:radius := 6
woConfig:bgColor = pgombszin // Background color
woConfig:focusRectColor= GRA_CLR_RED // Color of focus rectangle
woConfig:bgColorMouse = GRA_CLR_YELLOW // Background color when mouse is moved
woConfig:bgColorClick= GRA_CLR_RED
woConfig:outline = .t. // Determines if button has an outline
woConfig:borderColor = GRA_CLR_BLUE // Color of the button border when the
woConfig:shadowType = 6 // 6 vagy 9 a jó A number from 1-9 to determine the
woConfig:focusRectStyle= 3

DC_XbpPushButtonXPDefault( woConfig )
DC_PushButtonStyle( woConfig ) // a régi gombokra is

@1,1 dcsay "Test:" get wt

dcread gui addbuttons

return nil

Best regards,

Re: DC_expressbuttonstyle problem

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:24 am
by rdonnay
I can confirm this problem. I am working on a solution for you.

Re: DC_expressbuttonstyle problem

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:43 am
by rdonnay
Sorry about this problem. It has never been reported as a bug since I first added this feature in 2008, until now.

Here is a workaround for you. This fix will be in build 265.

Copy the attached _DCXBUTT.PRG file to your \exp20\source\dclipx folder.

Run BUILD19_SL1.BAT or BUILD20.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL.