i try to use DcSlider() / DXE_Slider() Sample for DXE_MonthPick().
DXE_Month.jpg (116.08 KiB) Viewed 16926 times
i have copy DCSLIDE.CH to DCMONTH.CH and change DC_DXESlider() to DC_DXEMonthPick().
than i delete all know like BUDDYSPACE <buds>, also from DC_GetListSet()
this compile/link without Error but when Start i got
FEHLERPROTOKOLL von "D:\ALASKA\NATIVE\MonthDay\DCMONTH.EXE" Datum: 19.04.2016 07:58:53
Xbase++ Version : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.355
Betriebssystem : Windows Vista 06.01 Build 07601 Service Pack 1
oError:args :
-> VALTYPE: O CLASS: DC_DxeMonthPick
oError:canDefault : N
oError:canRetry : N
oError:canSubstitute: J
oError:cargo : NIL
oError:description : Zugriff auf Instanz-Variable in Klassen-Objekt nicht erlaubt
oError:filename :
oError:genCode : 31
oError:operation : cargo
oError:osCode : 0
oError:severity : 2
oError:subCode : 2241
oError:subSystem : BASE
oError:thread : 1
oError:tries : 0
Aufgerufen von DC_GETLIST:READGUI(2677)
Aufgerufen von DC_READGUI(113)
Aufgerufen von MAIN(61)
so my DCMONTH.CH seem wrong ... how find out what is wrong ?
It appears that your DXE_MonthPick class has iVars which are common to Xbase parts that are not exported.
eXpress++ was built around full compatibility with Xbase Parts, all of its methods and all of its iVars.
iVars like cargo, tabstop, etc must be exported to be able to integrate with the eXpress++ engine.
Also methods like childlist(), etc must also be exported.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.
rdonnay wrote:It appears that your DXE_MonthPick class has iVars which are common to Xbase parts that are not exported.
iVars like cargo, tabstop, etc must be exported to be able to integrate with the eXpress++ engine.
Also methods like childlist(), etc must also be exported.
Thx for Answer.
hm ... i do not use Cargo or Childlist() in that Control and iVar are this
VAR lNowGetDate // Flag when to get
VAR hDPick // Handle Monthcalendar
VAR hXbp // Handle Static Parent
VAR dwLvStyle // Control Style
VAR dwLvStyleEx // Control Extend Style
VAR m_ht // need for Notify
VAR nForwardKeyFlags // Forward Keys to Parent -> Xbase++
VAR OnItemDblClick // User Codeblock
VAR MultiSelect // multi Day select
VAR WeekNumbers // show Weeknumber
VAR NoToday // donït show Today
VAR NoTodayCircle // donït show Circle around Today
VAR BoldDays // show Bold Days
VAR TitlebarFGcolor // Titlebar - Weekdays - Weeknumber Color
VAR TitlebarBGcolor // Titlebar Background Color
VAR BodyFGcolor // Month Body Foreground Color
VAR BodyBGcolor // Month Body Background Color
VAR TrailingColor
VAR useVisualStyle // use visual Style
VAR dDaysStart // 1st. Day Start
VAR dDaysEnd // 2nd. Day End
VAR aBoldDays // hold Bold Days
so perhaps useVisualStyle is a Problem ?
how to find out what is going wrong ? can i "strip" MONTHCAL.CH more than i did ?
normal click ( lbDown ) start Action but in this Control you hold it unit reach Target and release ( LbUp )
both time Windows send MCN_SELCHANGE and NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE when "LbUp"
so what does Express++ need to activate ONACTION Callback Slot ?
i can send it from my native Control to Xbase++ Queue or rename my iVar ("OnItemDblClick")