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DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:25 am
by Victorio

Is there some limit of size excel file ? (number of rows ?)

If I exporting DBF with about 700000 records, get error Automation/6500, Range....
Problem is with export all records, in errorlog (dot) I saw pointer on last record of database) . If I filter some numbers of records, excel file created.

Now I download newer file _dcfunct.prg and testing export but it is too long time to creating.

I know, older version of Excel has limit to number rows about 65536,
on my pc is Excel 2010... this version has limit 1048576 rows
I do not now, if it is problem of function DC_Workarea2Excel or problem of Excel...

This look, as application call or create xls file in older format Excel2003 or older , is possible change it ?
calling excel.application in _dcfunct.prg

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:32 am
by Koverhage
This depend on your Excel version

Up to version ? each worksheet is limited to 64### rows,
So you must use more worksheets or use Excel 20??

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:52 am
by Victorio
I have Office 2010 , Excel 2010, this has limit to 1048576 rows.

But maybe my system default call older version which was installed on my PC before upgrade to 2010 ?

Now I examine change default office with /regserver parameter,

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:01 am
by Auge_Ohr
Victorio wrote:Is there some limit of size excel file ? (number of rows ?)

If I exporting DBF with about 700000 records, get error Automation/6500, Range....
Problem is with export all records, in errorlog (dot) I saw pointer on last record of database) .
If I filter some numbers of records, excel file created.
if you want hole DBF just make a Copy an

Code: Select all

what OS are you using ?
when transfer each DBF Record to Array you might hit 2GB Limit with 700000 ?

do you know HBLibXL from Hubert Brandel ? ( create Excel Sheet without Excel ! )

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:46 am
by Victorio
I work on W7 32 bit and also on WXP. But I do not know,how OS has client, who tell me about problem with export.

Hmm, on PC, where I work now is Windows XP and only 2GB RAM, but also just now running export on W7 with 4GB RAM maybe it was one from problems.

I want export only several fields, this is possible with DC_WorkArea2Excel with aFields definition.

Now I testing recompiled version with newer version of _dclipx.prg, still running with big DBF file (42%...) , if error will be again.

HBLibXL ? I saw this somewhere... I have to find somewhere, it is payed , so ?

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:03 am
by Victorio
what is it ?
if you want hole DBF just make a Copy an

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:12 am
by Auge_Ohr
Victorio wrote:what is it ?
just change Extension from .DBF to .XLS and open it with Excel.
Victorio wrote:HBLibXL? or on Pablos Website

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:34 am
by Victorio
hmmm- just change Extension from .DBF to .XLS and open it with Excel.
it does not work... :?: need some change associations on pc maybe....

But it is not way for me, I want control field list and better also header of excel table.
Only it will be "cheap" solutions without any investment. :)
(I can prepare DBF with only select fields and then open it in Excel direct as DBF)

I looked on HPLIBXL, but can not open page, maybe at home where I have not internet restrictions.

Can you tell me, what all I need to use this library ?

I must buy LibXL.DLL, ? (price for me is 229€...)
and OT4XB too ? what price is ? or it is free source ?

And then I can simple link library and use functions in it ?
HBLibXL and LibXL is "only" for work with Excel files ?


Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:08 am
by rdonnay
I would think this would be the obvious question:

Why would you want to copy a large DBF file to Excel?

Re: DC_WorkArea2Excel() size limit

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:36 am
by Victorio
good question ;) client want this...

I have some user reports in application, but client want prepare data in my application (filter with several keys), and then export it to Excel. I know, he do not need generate XLS but can open DBF file direct in Excel and work with it .
He want also every reports generate as Excel files.