Goran -
I can't compile and run your sample program.
I'm missing many files.
I'll try to reproduce this error but it probably will not be easy.
Are you saying that you can preview in 1.9 but not in 2.0?
I don't have a printer that prints in duplex mode.
Can you write a smaller sample that I can compile and run?
Are you saying that this happens if you change any property on the printer or only if you select duplex mode?
This code has been in eXpress++ for many years and I have not seen a report of a problem like this.
Is the preview window visible when this error occurs?
If it is visible, then the error should not occur.
If it is not visible, then the error would occur.
What I don't understand is how the window would get destroyed before arriving at line 1531 in the code. I would think that would happen only if the preview had a parent that was destroyed but the parent is always the AppDeskTop() so that would be impossible.
I suggest that you make the following change to \exp20\source\dclipx\_dcprc.prg
Line 1529
Code: Select all
IF ::lPreview .AND. ::oDlg:status() > 0
Code: Select all
IF ::lPreview .AND. ::oDlg:status() == XBP_STAT_CREATE
Then run BUILD20.BAT to rebuild DCLIPX.DLL.