dcbrowse freezeleft problem

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dcbrowse freezeleft problem

#1 Post by skiman »


I just spend a day searching for a bug, which caused a lot of problems.

This is a sample code.

Code: Select all

  @ 3,1 DCBROWSE oBrowseZoek ALIAS 'bonart' SIZE 150,20 ;
               EDIT xbeBRW_ItemSelected MODE DCGUI_BROWSE_EDITDOWN FREEZELEFT { 1,2 }

        DCBROWSECOL DATA {|| stock->(dbseek(bonart->art_nummer)), bonart->art_nummer} HEADER "product" PARENT oBrowseZoek WIDTH 8 
        DCBROWSECOL DATA {|| stock->description } HEADER "Omschrijving" PARENT oBrowseZoek WIDTH 15 
        DCBROWSECOL DATA {|| stock->description } HEADER "Omschrijving" PARENT oBrowseZoek WIDTH 15
        DCBROWSECOL ...
You would expect that the content of column two and three are the same? I did, but I was wrong. :think:

Because of the freezeleft this causes problems! The solution was to put another dbseek in column three. Otherwise column three will show the stock->description of the previous row!

So if you ever have strange results and you are using freezeleft... be aware.
Best regards,


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Re: dcbrowse freezeleft problem

#2 Post by rdonnay »

Chris -

It's interesting that there have been so many postings of problems with freezeleft lately.
All these frozen columns must be caused by the cold winter.
At least we can be thankful that spring is coming. :dance:

Yes, it is true that the XbpBrowse class behavior can be a bit odd with frozen columns.

The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

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