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Control at the existence of a windows

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:49 pm
by obelix
Hi everybody,
my question is a little bit similar to Janko's problem:
My problem ist that I don't really understand how to use the owner and parent argument in a dcbrowse or dcstatic window.
In my app, the xbpmenu (SetAppWindow():MenuBar()) remains permanantly in the background and gets the focus, when no other window has got the focus. That's ok.
Now I use a new window A painted with DCSTATIC ... OBJECT ostatic1 ... DCREAD GUI
After having finished with DCREAD I would like to keep the window A in the background while executing window B (e.g. a printing call ) or a proc which doesn't need a window until I use ostatic1:destroy()
Roger proposed Janko in the preceding topic to set a pointer to window B. How can I do it, or is there another solution to this problem?

Re: Control at the existence of a windows

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:12 am
by rdonnay
I don't understand your question.

What is window A and window B?