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Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:22 pm
by Victorio

I bought Alaska Xbase++ and eXpress 1.9 in december 2014.
Before I programing in CA Clipper 5.3.

I have some problem with installation, I do not correct understand , what I must to do for correct installation.
Xbase++ is ok, it running, I make some somples and try rebuild some my application.
But with eXpress I have this problem :

1. what is necessary to do when installing ?
- I install Xbase++
- I install eXpress from link received after pay license
- I modify my envornment variables :
C:\exp19\include;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\include;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\cxp20\include
C:\exp19\lib;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\lib;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\cxp20\lib
C:\exp19\bin20;C:\exp19\bin19_sl1;c:\exp19\bin19;c:\exp19\bin;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\bin;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\lib;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\workbench20;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\cxp20\bin
C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\resource\pointer;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\resource\bitmap;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\resource\font;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\resource\icon;C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20\resource
C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\xpp20

then I modify Alaska Xbase++ settings in workbench like system setting.

What NEXT ?
- Must I run build20.bat in express19 directory ?
- need some other

Another questions :

- I cannot open documentation in directory c:\exp19\Doc\ files express.hlp, cnt, I get error 9009
- is anywheresome documentation about compiling, linking, functions......., I found only express and readme txt files,
- how can I make some executable file with command line bat file, like
please some example for compile and link my.prg file

Thanks for any help.

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:53 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
Personally, I could not set the path to the folder with all the ch- and dll-files, as a lot of them and I was too lazy to do it. And just created one folder (I call it c:\ALLDLLCH\), copied it all the ch- and dll-files from:
c:\Program Files (x86)\ALASKA\
and prescribed additional variables in a way only this folder c:\ALLDLLCH\.
When this is done it is necessary to compile all the files in libraries, finding and launching files in all folders: build19.bat.
After that everything was working.

Found and copied the ch- and dll-files (Alt+F7) in Total Commander.

File cl.bat run from the command line in Total Commander

File cl.bat:

ARC _Aidos.arc
XPP %1
ALINK %1 _Aidos.res /PM:PM

Command line in Total Commander:

cl _aidos-x > err.txt

If you compile and link errors are obtained, they are all stored in a file err.txt

Look at the text of a software system, which I develop. Maybe you anything useful. Such as how to organize hierarchical menu or create interactive screen forms, including the relationship "one to many" between database tables, graphics and more: ... edit-text=

There's a files _AIDOS-X.PRG and _AIDOS-X.DOC have the source system.

Look at my site. References to it below: ...

Of course I'm not much of a specialist. Here in the forum there are real gurus, such as Roger. If anything, they will correct and help. At least to me a lot of help.

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:32 am
by Victorio
Thank`s, Eugene,
I look everything and try.

I programmed in Ca Clipper 5.2 and 5.3 from 1993year, my applications running on DOS, W98, WXP but stopped on W7 64bit and Windows 8 :cry:

I´m using this batch file for compile and linking (my application is infokat) :
xpp infokat >protokolxpp

rem linking witch dclipx.lib
rem alink infokat /PM:PM >protokolalink dclipx.lib

rem linking without dclipx.lib
alink infokat /PM:PM >protokolalink

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:44 am
by D. Schuster
Hi Victorio,

to read the hlp-files you can download from Microsoft a file WinHlp32.exe


Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:41 am
by Victorio
I can´t install WinHlp32 on my office PC with Windows 7 Enterprise edition.
Windows 7 get error 0x80004005...
At home I must try install it on my home computer with Windows 7 (german version).

so , many many little problems and more and more time I stay on same place :(

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:35 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Maybe this Patch is suitable for working with Help:

It'S Nothing. it will work

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:35 pm
by rdonnay
Victorio -

Sorry for the delay in responding to your post. I was travelling for the past few days.

Your path looks like it is correct.

Other than not being able to load express.hlp, what other problems are you having?

Do you have Skype?
Do you speak and understand English well.
If so, I can help you over Skype to get going.

If you are using Windows 7 or later, you will need to download the help loader from Microsoft to be able to read .HLP files. ... aspx?id=91

To insure that your PATH, LIB and INCLUDE environments are correct, you can run any of the sample programs.

For example, go to \exp19\samples\printer and run PBUILD INVOICE.
This should create INVOICE.EXE.

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:10 am
by Janko
Dear all,

I use an exotic language set for Windows (Slovenian) and lot of updates are not supporting it. So, if I download help (english) it reports error if I try to install it to W7 or W8 with different language set.

I found an old WinHlp32.exe and copied it to System32 directory and it Works.

I beleive Victor is using SLOVAKIAN language set and has similar problems.

Best regards

Re: Installation eXpress 1.9 + Xbase++ 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:42 am
by Victorio
Hi all, thanks for answers.

My problem with help file - done, after reinstalling update for Winhlp32 from microsoft, now everything running ok.

Now I am learning oop programming, testing Tools for Alaska and eXpress library too, studying samples and upgrading my Clipper application to Xbase++.

If I am using xpj project files, everything is ok (linking tools and eXpress lib files)

My english is not very good, because skype is not good idea :)
Better for me is e-mail or this forum.

I try several versions of WinHlp32, because I have at my home computer German version of Windows 7, updated to Slovak, and at work I have Enterprise version Win7, that also you must update this file from download page on computer where you need this. Move downloaded update to other computer may be problem.

Viktor alias Victorio,