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Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:30 pm
by rdonnay
I have a requirement to capture a signature in a PDF document and save the document.
I want to use an Android tablet to do this.
I have looked at Adobe Reader for Android and it has some nice capability but it isn't as seamless as it needs to be.
Here is the scenario.
A taxi driver visits the leasing office and he is given a contract to sign.
We want him to be able to view the contract on the Android device and then sign it and save it.
The document is created automatically by the windows program and placed in a special folder on the server.
The android must be able to connect to the server drive, retrieve the document, display it, allow addition of a signature, and save the document back on the server.
I have been struggling with developing a seamless interface to do this.
We want the office person to just hand the taxi driver the android and tell him to read the document and sign it.
The contract can have as many as 14 pages and it is easy to scroll through them on an android just with the fingers.
Any ideas?
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:26 pm
by pedroah
Dear Roger
I think a simple solution would be using a Dropbox account.
First: On the computer you would have access to that folder and you just have to copy the documents in it, would you do one for each person with a taxi.
Second: You share this folder with each person and since you write in it are going to update the device and be reported.
Third: When they sign, they will update your document folder and you will have it until you need it and then move it to a folder outside.
In the paid version of Dropbox can share with expiration, so after they use it and what can not edit anymore.
At your orders on what you need and I can help you understand
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:35 pm
by rdonnay
I think a simple solution would be using a Dropbox account.
I thought about that but it still doesn't solve the problem of being seamless.
I set up a Google Drive to test that possibility.
The android needs to get access to that document quickly.
The person signing will not know how to do this.
We only want him to read the contract, sign it and hand it back to the office person.
They will not like it if the office personnel have to go through 10 or more steps to get the document back to the server.
My concern is the software that runs on the Android and how seamless we can make it.
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:07 pm
by bwolfsohn
xb2net and a browser to serve up the pdf via their intranet. just type in the name of the taxi driver, the xbase software receives the request.. does whatever it needs to do, and returns the link to the pdf which can autorun off of an html page.
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:51 am
by rdonnay
xb2net and a browser to serve up the pdf via their intranet
The document is already created with Word by merging data with the contract and then saved as a PDF.
We don't want them to do this at home (at least not now).
They will read and sign the document in the taxi office.
I found a much more seamless way to do this yesterday.
I opened a file sharing acccount at
The Acrobat reader on the Android automatically sees documents that are in the cloud at
That is a huge step forward.
The Android Acrobat reader is perfect for the job. It loads the document from, allows them to read it and sign it and automatically saves it back to The windows app handles the upload and download from
I think that this is our solution for now.
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:58 am
by Cliff Wiernik
This might also be an option. ... nefits.php. I have looked at the foxit windows PDF driver API in the past, it was a good tool but I had other lower cost tools available. They have this available for android and iphone. This might be exactly what you are looking for. Only costs $4.99.
or look at some of the other solutions here (the foxit one was here): ... s-android/
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:22 am
by c-tec
Hello Roger,
in my DPP system (written in Xbase++ and eXpress++) you can send a PDF to a naturalFORMS app on Android or iOS devices with prepopulated data or print a document and sign it with a Anoto LivePen. There are also special signature fields for tablets. Then the resulting form is sent back to the system. Here is a link to the video:
and with pen: ... I99sDKKgXE
There is a new version out in the next weeks, that has more features.
A have a lot of users here in Austria, works great. I could help you to implement this in your software when needed.
Here the docs in english:
Re: Capturing Signature in a PDF
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:45 am
by rdonnay
Rudolf -
I think we have the solution we want with Adobe Reader but I will look at your video.
Thank you.